Buy Fabric Fabric News The efficacy and function of silk pillows. Are silk pillows good for the cervical spine?

The efficacy and function of silk pillows. Are silk pillows good for the cervical spine?

The quality of pillows affects people’s sleep quality, so choosing a suitable pillow is very important. Currently, there are many materials used to make pillow cores on the m…

The quality of pillows affects people’s sleep quality, so choosing a suitable pillow is very important. Currently, there are many materials used to make pillow cores on the market, and silk is one of the more common ones, which is loved and sought after by many people. Below, the editor will share with you the Effects and functions of silk pillows, and talk about Is silk pillow good for the cervical spine? Friends who are interested should come and take a look!

1. The efficacy and function of silk pillows

1. Promote sleep

The sericin component of silk contains 18 kinds of amino acids, which can emit A tiny molecule is produced, also called “sleep factor”, which can keep the user’s nerves in a stable state. At the same time, silk pillows can also reduce the load and pressure on the heart and blood vessels during sleep, improve sleep quality, and slow down aging.

2. Anti-mite and antibacterial

The sericin component of silk in silk pillows can not only make people’s skin delicate and shiny, but also has the ability to prevent the growth of mites and mold, which is of great benefit to people prone to allergies.

Efficacy and function of silk pillows

3. Prevent rheumatism

In natural silk , there is a substance called “hydrophilic side amino acid” that can absorb moisture in the air and eliminate it, thereby keeping the pillow dry and comfortable, which is very beneficial to rheumatism, arthritis and skin diseases.

4. Good cold resistance and thermostatic properties

Silk pillows are known as the “Queen of Fibers” and contain the largest “silk volume void” in fiber. When the weather is cold, it can reduce the thermal conductivity, and its warmth retention is better than leather and cotton; when the weather is hot, it can discharge excess heat to keep the temperature inside the quilt at a suitable value.

2. Is silk pillow good for the cervical spine?

1. Silk pillows are good for the cervical spine, but the premise is that the shape design and height must be appropriate, so that the user will not have an adverse effect on the cervical spine when sleeping.

2. In addition to silk, mung bean shells, tea leaves, cassia seeds, chrysanthemum petals, bamboo charcoal, etc. can be used in daily life. Making a pillow from the obtained items can not only increase the interest of life, but also help you sleep well. These antiseptic items have the effects of clearing away heat and improving eyesight, detoxifying and lowering blood pressure, and promoting blood circulation in the shoulders and neck, so they are good for the cervical spine.

Is silk pillow good for the cervical spine?

3. Of course, if you want to benefit the cervical spine when sleeping, you can also use a special pillow for cervical spondylosis. Under normal circumstances, this kind of pillow has functional medical effects and has certain health care effects. For example, its supporting strength is suitable for the cervical spine and has auxiliary physical therapy effects.

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Silk Pillows

1. Advantages of silk pillows

(1) Using silk pillows can effectively prevent nighttime fatigue Moisturizing cream is wiped off, especially for female friends who have maintenance needs at night, so that skin care products can better penetrate into the skin.

(2) Long-term use of silk pillows can help prevent the formation of frizzy or greasy scalp.

(3) For people with asthma and allergies, choosing silk pillows can help them breathe when sleeping at night .

(4) Silk pillows are smoother than cotton ones and can easily stay dry and comfortable all year round.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Silk Pillows

2. Disadvantages of silk pillows

(1) Because of silk It is relatively rare and precious, so the price of this kind of pillow is relatively expensive, especially for high-quality silk, the price is even higher.

(2) SilkwormSilk pillows are not easy to clean. It is generally recommended to clean them by hand. They should not be washed in a washing machine, otherwise they will turn yellow or deform, thereby losing their original elasticity.

The above is the relevant content about the efficacy and function of silk pillows, and whether silk pillows are good for the cervical spine. Hope it helps everyone! , China’s well-known large-scale decoration platform and leading decoration brand. If you want to put some thought into decoration and design, it is recommended that you apply for professional design services. Professional designers can help you plan a reasonable space layout and exquisite design through on-site room measurement.

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Author: clsrich
