Buy Fabric Fabric News Shanghai Jingqingrong Clothing, the Chinese supplier of Uniqlo and H&M, opens its first overseas factory in Spain

Shanghai Jingqingrong Clothing, the Chinese supplier of Uniqlo and H&M, opens its first overseas factory in Spain

Chinese textile company Shanghai Jingqingrong Clothing Co., Ltd. will open its first overseas factory in Catalonia, Spain. It is reported that the company will invest 3 million eur…

Chinese textile company Shanghai Jingqingrong Clothing Co., Ltd. will open its first overseas factory in Catalonia, Spain. It is reported that the company will invest 3 million euros in the project and create about 30 jobs. The Catalan government will support the project through ACCIÓ-Catalonia Trade & Investment, the business competitiveness agency of the Ministry of Commerce and Labour.

Shanghai Jingqingrong Clothing Co., Ltd. is currently renovating its factory in Ripollet, Barcelona, ​​and is expected to start producing knitted products in the first half of 2024.

Roger Torrent, Catalonia’s Minister of Commerce and Labor, said: “It is no coincidence that Chinese companies such as Shanghai Jingqingrong Clothing Co., Ltd. decided to launch their international expansion strategy in Catalonia: Catalonia is the most industrialized country in Europe. one of the regions and one of the main gateways to the European continent.” In this sense, he stressed: “In the past five years, Chinese companies have invested more than 1 billion euros in Catalonia, and these projects have created creating more than 2,000 job opportunities.”

Shanghai Jingqingrong Clothing Co., Ltd. was established in 2005 and specializes in the design, manufacturing and global distribution of clothing products. The company has a total of 2,000 employees and has branches in Shanghai, Henan and Anhui. Jingqingrong serves some large international fashion groups (such as UNIQLO, H&M and COS), with customers mainly concentrated in the EU, the United States and Canada.

In October last year, under the organization of the Catalan Ministry of Trade and Investment in Hong Kong, China, a delegation of Catalan institutions led by Minister Roger Torrent held talks with Shanghai Jingqingrong Clothing Co., Ltd. The purpose of the trip is to strengthen trade relations with Catalonia and encourage new foreign investment projects. The institutional visit included working meetings with Chinese multinational companies in various industries, such as technology, automotive, semiconductor and chemical industries.

According to Catalonia trade and investment data released by the Financial Times, China’s investment in Catalonia reached 1.164 billion euros in the past five years, creating 2,100 new jobs. Currently, there are 114 subsidiaries of Chinese companies in Catalonia. In fact, in recent years, ACCIÓ – Catalonia Trade and Investment Association has promoted a number of initiatives aimed at promoting Chinese companies to set up subsidiaries in Catalonia, such as the establishment of a China-Europe Logistics Center and a China Help Desk in Barcelona (China Desk).


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Author: clsrich
