Buy Fabric Fabric News Boss Bu, please hold on! Disperse dyes have risen sharply by 8,000 yuan/ton, and dyeing costs are expected to rise again!

Boss Bu, please hold on! Disperse dyes have risen sharply by 8,000 yuan/ton, and dyeing costs are expected to rise again!

Introduction: Recently, the dye market has seen an upward adjustment notice that deviates from the price curve. From December 1st, dispersed black ECT 300% will rise to 40 yuan/KG,…

Introduction: Recently, the dye market has seen an upward adjustment notice that deviates from the price curve. From December 1st, dispersed black ECT 300% will rise to 40 yuan/KG, which is 8,000 yuan/ton higher than the current quotation. It is reported that reactive dyes will also rise simultaneously, with an increase of 10%.

The textile market has recently returned to calm. There has been no sensational news for a long time. The news of rising dyes has suddenly enlivened the market atmosphere. When many fabric owners saw this news, their first concern was whether dyeing fees would increase. In this regard, the author conducted an investigation for Boss Bu, and the following is the analysis.

First, let’s look at the reasons for the rise in dyes, mainly the following three points:

(1) Due to environmental protection and other factors, small-scale disperse dye manufacturers have limited production. What is more serious is that two medium-sized disperse dye companies, Shaoxing Lianfa and Hangzhou Yutian, have directly closed down. Driven by the market supply and demand relationship with stable demand and insufficient supply, the price increase of disperse dyes is also an inevitable trend.

(2) Disperse dyes purchased by dealers and printing and dyeing companies before the end of July have been consumed from August to November. The stocks of disperse dyes purchased by dealers and printing and dyeing companies are already very low and need to be replenished in the near future.

(3) Due to the increase in the price of basic chemical raw materials, the cost of disperse dye intermediates has increased, and the increase in the sales price of intermediates has promoted the increase in dye prices.

Returning to the recent printing and dyeing market, it has recovered from the deserted situation in early November, and shipments have begun to increase. According to the salesperson of the printing and dyeing factory, the number of orders in the market has begun to increase recently, with large quantities of spring and summer products in foreign trade orders, coupled with the development of new products for next autumn and winter. There are also more market products in Keqiao area, most of which are products produced by inclined pipes. Judging from the volume, although it is not as good as the warehouse explosion in July and August, it is still full of gray fabrics and the schedule is tight.

As to whether dyeing fees will rise, there are currently two voices in the market:

Recently, printing and dyeing factories have had a lot of orders, and with the increase in dyes, it may be a good time to increase dyeing fees. A business manager from a printing and dyeing factory told the author: “Dyeing fees are relatively stable and cannot rise just because you want to. Although the market has picked up recently, the market next year is still uncertain.” Regarding next year’s market, many people predict that it will It is much quieter than this year. If dyeing fees rise again, the entire market structure will be unbalanced.

A salesperson from another printing and dyeing factory said in an interview with the author: “The price of dyes has indeed increased a lot this time. Dispersed black was only 16 yuan/kg in the first half of the year, then it rose to 32 yuan/kg, and now it has risen to 40 yuan. /Kg. It is estimated that the dyeing fee will increase. It has not increased recently, but it will definitely increase by then.” This increase of 8,000 yuan/ton is also a large amount of money in terms of cost. At present, the environmental protection of printing and dyeing factories, etc. The pressure is heavy, and it is impossible for them to bear it themselves. They can only adjust it through a small increase in dye fees.

According to the normal market situation, dye prices will show a downward trend at the end of the year, but the current transaction price of disperse dyes has reached a new high. This year’s textile market is indeed a bit unfavorable! Prices continue to rise, and cost pressures skyrocket.

Regarding such a market situation, the author cannot judge whether the dyeing fee will rise. It is better to see how the cloth bosses predict it.

This article is from the Internet, does not represent 【】 position, reproduced please specify the source.

Author: clsrich
