Buy Fabric Fabric News Four textile and clothing national standards changed from mandatory to recommended

Four textile and clothing national standards changed from mandatory to recommended

The reporter learned from the textile and apparel industry that the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference Office for Standardization Coordination and Promotion of the State Council re…

The reporter learned from the textile and apparel industry that the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference Office for Standardization Coordination and Promotion of the State Council recently issued a notice, issuing a summary of the integration and streamlining of 11,224 mandatory standards and 2,066 mandatory standard plan projects. Among them, GB5296.4-2012 “Instructions for Use of Consumer Goods Part 4: Textiles and Clothing”, GB9994-2008 “Notice Moisture Regain Rate of Textile Materials”, GB 1103.3-2005 “Cotton Naturally Colored Fine Staple Cotton”, GB19635-2005 “Cotton Longevity The four national standards of Velvet Cotton have been transformed from mandatory to recommended.

Many companies have questions about whether the transformation of GB5296.4-2012 “Consumer Goods Instructions for Use Part 4: Textiles and Clothing” into a recommended standard means that the management of product labeling will be relaxed, and the fiber content and implementation standards can not be marked. The industry Sources pointed out that China’s Product Quality Law clearly stipulates the labeling content of products, that is, the labeling on the product or its packaging must be authentic and meet the following requirements: there is a product quality inspection certificate; there is a Chinese product name, the name of the manufacturer and the name of the manufacturer. Factory address; according to the characteristics and usage requirements of the product, if the product specifications, grades, names and contents of the main ingredients need to be marked, they should be marked accordingly in Chinese; if consumers need to be informed in advance, they should be marked on the outer packaging, or should be informed in advance. Consumers provide relevant information and other requirements.

Source: Quanzhou Evening News

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Author: clsrich
