Buy Fabric Fabric News Functional textiles based on water-based coatings

Functional textiles based on water-based coatings

Coated textiles can meet a variety of specifications and functional requirements in various textile areas for clothing, home and industrial use, including impermeability (such as t…

Coated textiles can meet a variety of specifications and functional requirements in various textile areas for clothing, home and industrial use, including impermeability (such as tents, umbrellas and shower curtains), breathability (such as clothing, roof coverings and Awnings), and airtightness (such as filter cloth, airbags and parachutes), etc. In addition, coatings can change the surface properties of fabrics, altering the penetration of light and radiation, reducing flammability, and increasing strength and adhesion.

Commonly used coating methods include: (1) Air blade coating, the dry weight of the slurry is 5-80g/m2, which depends on the type and position of the scraper, the tension and surface structure of the base fabric, the hydrophilicity and solid content of the slurry formula. quantity and viscosity. (2) Roller blade coating, the application amount of slurry and foam is 25-250g/m2, dry weight, depending on the gap between the fabric and the scraper blade, the density, solid content and viscosity of the slurry/foam, and its degree of penetration It will be affected by the basic structure and hydrophilic properties. (3) Rotary mesh scraper coating, the dry weight of slurry and foam applied is 5-120g/m2, depending on the type of screen, the solid content and density of slurry and foam, and it can be fully coated or patterned by engraving. type coating. (4) Variopress coating of Austrian Zimmer Company, application amount dry weight 5-120g/m2, is not affected by operating speed, base fabric and tension, etc., and only depends on the speed and solid content of the transmission gear. Although this has attracted great attention, there are currently few practical applications.

Now take the coated tablecloth as an example to explain as follows. The important requirements for multiple washable tablecloths are: anti-fouling and stain-repellent, washable, soft to the touch, and the coating pattern and color will last forever after washing. The basic prerequisites for obtaining the best coating effect are good base fabric strength and uniform and fine surface structure, so almost all woven fabrics are used. The permeability of the coating has a greater impact on the fabric’s feel and adhesion, especially its washability. Use hydrophobic additives for light pretreatment to prevent coating agents from excessively penetrating into the base fabric, but too much water repellency will cause adhesion problems. Additionally, additives from dyeing and printing that soften the material can have a negative impact on the final result, especially stain resistance. Practice has proven that 100% cotton or polyester-cotton blended woven fabrics are very suitable. For water resistance, shrinkage performance must also be considered.

For polymer and additive selection, pure acrylic and acrylate copolymers, such as silicone acrylates and polyurethanes, are commonly used in practice. For antifouling agents, fluorocarbon resin with significant waterproof and oil-repellent effects should be used for coating and impregnation. Silicone- and paraffin-based additives also achieve antifouling effects. Synthetic compounds are commonly used as thickeners in coating slurries because they reduce swelling capacity. Adding cross-linking agents can significantly improve the washability of coating treatments and reduce the shrinkage of cotton-based fabrics. When using defoamers and wetting agents, great care must be taken in their interaction with hydrophobic antifouling agents.

The simple tablecloth coating method is a single-layer doctor blade coating method. After drying and condensation, the anti-fouling effect can be obtained, and the cost is reasonable. However, the high penetration of the paint can easily penetrate the base fabric, resulting in a stiff feel; and uneven application of the slurry will limit the antifouling effect. The use of double-layer doctor blade coating will significantly improve the fabric’s hand feel and anti-fouling effect, and maintain the surface structure of the fabric. The first layer, the base layer, is a very soft and flexible acrylic, which acts as a barrier and adhesion promoter, and provides the prerequisite for a uniform upper layer, the second layer.

The coating that combines foam and slurry shows the best results in terms of anti-fouling, softness, and washability. The use of stable foam has the advantage of not penetrating and making the surface smooth. It is also processed by rolling under high temperature and high pressure. Transparency effects are available. The antifouling effect mainly depends on the interaction between the coating polymer and the additives. Treatment with an antifouling agent that is subsequently impregnated will provide better antifouling results than adding the antifouling agent first to the formulation.

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Author: clsrich
