Buy Fabric Fabric News Processing for slimming effect

Processing for slimming effect

Certain aromatic compounds are said to promote fat burning in the body. A Japanese company has developed several processes that have a slimming effect. This process involves applyi…

Certain aromatic compounds are said to promote fat burning in the body. A Japanese company has developed several processes that have a slimming effect.

This process involves applying a slow-release finishing agent containing grapefruit extract to the textile. During the wearing process, due to external forces such as friction, the fragrance of grapefruit will continue to be emitted, stimulating the human body’s sympathetic nerves, promoting the decomposition of fat in the body, and at the same time also Elevates one’s mood. This processing is suitable for outerwear fabrics. The finishing effect is long-lasting and is said to last up to 20 home washes.

This processing uses sunflower oil extract, which is said to have the effect of controlling the body’s absorption of fat and increasing the activity of lipolytic enzymes. In addition, it has the effect of antioxidant and promoting blood circulation.

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Author: clsrich
