Buy Fabric Fabric News NPE may become a new barrier to the textile industry

NPE may become a new barrier to the textile industry

Recently, the British mainstream media “The Guardian” announced that EU member states have recently passed a ban on NPE (nonylphenol polyoxyethylene ether) in textiles …

Recently, the British mainstream media “The Guardian” announced that EU member states have recently passed a ban on NPE (nonylphenol polyoxyethylene ether) in textiles through anonymous voting, and it is expected to be implemented in the near future. The ban sets a five-year transition period. After the expiration of the period, if the NPE content of textiles exceeds 0.01% (i.e. 100mg/kg), they will not be allowed to enter the EU market.

NPE, called nonylphenol polyoxyethylene ether, is a commonly used surfactant component in detergents for industrial washing and cleaning products. It is widely used in the textile industry and will remain in textile fibers. NPE is a recognized environmental hormone worldwide. NPE in textiles can enter the environment with washing, causing problems such as precocious puberty and reduced reproductive quality in humans.

The ban referred to by the Guardian is actually the REACH regulation referred to in the notification G/TBT/N/EU/280 issued by the EU to WTO member states through the World Trade Organization website on April 16 this year on the grounds of environmental protection. Revision draft. According to the draft, the EU will fully implement the NPE ban on imported textiles, except for second-hand goods or recycled textiles that have been washed multiple times. In fact, the EU has long banned the use of NPE in textile production. According to Article 46 of Annex XVII of the EU REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) regulations: products with NPE concentrations greater than or equal to 0.1% are prohibited. Used in textile processing. However, there are no restrictions on the NPE content of textiles themselves. Therefore, NPE continues to enter the EU, posing a threat to the health of EU consumers. The implementation of this ban will effectively fill this regulatory loophole.

The EU is my country’s largest market for textile exports. Once the ban is implemented, it will have a huge impact on my country’s textile export industry. Of course, if our country’s textile companies seize the opportunity, turn challenges into opportunities, use technological advantages to improve the quality of products from Vietnam, Indonesia and other countries, they may be able to seize the EU market and increase the proportion of Chinese textiles in the EU market.

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Author: clsrich
