Buy Fabric Fabric News How to remove moisture from quilt How to dehumidify quilt

How to remove moisture from quilt How to dehumidify quilt

When a quilt is used for a long time, there will always be some moisture. In addition to being uncomfortable to sleep on, it will also breed a large number of mites. This is also T…

When a quilt is used for a long time, there will always be some moisture. In addition to being uncomfortable to sleep on, it will also breed a large number of mites. This is also The reason why people often dry their quilts. But in fact, we often encounter continuous rainy weather and cannot dry out the quilt. What should we do at this time? The following is a brief introduction to the method ofremovingmoisture from quilt. Anyone who is interested can learn about it together!

1. Use quilt dryer


The quilt uses a The dry bag is combined with a heater. When working, the high-temperature airflow passes through the dry bag processed by a special process and penetrates directly into the fibrous tissue inside the quilt, causing the hot air to flow quickly between the fibrous tissue, eliminating moldy and dirty moist air. Replaced by continuous incoming high temperature fresh dry air. The fibrous tissue that was originally compacted together due to moisture and mildew becomes stretched, clean, dry, and elastic again; the damp bedding becomes fluffy and new.

2. Pay attention to ventilation indoors

Method to remove moisture from quilt

If there is no chance for the quilt to be dried in the sun, then keep the room ventilated. Even if you live in a north-facing room, you should insist on opening the windows for ventilation to let the moisture from the quilt escape. Indoor ventilation is still very helpful in improving the environment, but you have to pay attention to opening windows for ventilation when the air humidity is low.

3. Sunbathe the quilt on a sunny day

quilt moisture removal

If there is sun If so, take the quilt to the sun and dry it. This will not only kill harmful organisms in the quilt, but also allow free formaldehyde to evaporate, making the quilt more comfortable and fluffy, making sleeping more comfortable. When drying the quilt, first remove the quilt cover and then dry it to ensure that one side can perfectly contact the sun. Remember to pat the quilt hard to shake off the dirt on it. During the process of drying the quilt, change the surface once or twice to make sure it is well dried.

The above is the relevant content about methods to remove moisture from quilts. I hope it will be helpful to everyone! , China’s well-known large-scale decoration platform and leading decoration brand. If you want to put some thought into decoration and design, it is recommended that you apply for professional design services. Professional designers can help you plan a reasonable space layout and exquisite design through on-site room measurement.

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Author: clsrich
