Buy Fabric Fabric News Detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of wool quilts to give you more warmth

Detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of wool quilts to give you more warmth

As soon as winter comes, wool quilts are full of our lives. Its gentle touch brings a lot of warmth to our lives, so people also love it. For those who like to use wool quilts in w…

As soon as winter comes, wool quilts are full of our lives. Its gentle touch brings a lot of warmth to our lives, so people also love it. For those who like to use wool quilts in winter, the editor will introduce to you a detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of wool quilts to give you more warmth.

Detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of wool quilts

1. Advantages of wool quilt

1. Dust-proof, electrically resistant, anti-bacterial and mite-proof

Cashmere is highly hygroscopic and difficult to produce Static electricity, dust and dirt are not easy to adhere to. It absorbs water into its own fibers before releasing water vapor to the outside, thereby reducing the life cycle of insect mites. Therefore, cashmere quilts are very suitable for babies, asthma, rheumatism patients, and Used by the elderly.

2. Moisture absorption and drying, warm in winter and cool in summer

Because the human body eliminates a large amount of water during sleep, the unique molecular structure of cashmere can absorb water vapor into the hollow structure. Cashmere can absorb more than 35% of its own weight in water. The vapor has no sense of moisture and is quickly eliminated, so it can keep you warm and dry when it’s cold, and breathable and cool when it’s hot.

3. Fluffy and soft, not stiff

Cashmere has at least 40% natural elasticity, and cashmere can recover more than 90% of its original thickness after being compressed, thus remaining fluffy, soft and not stiff.

4. Natural flame retardant, safe and reliable

Cashmere is not easy to ignite, does not release a large amount of heat when burned, does not produce open flames and does not melt, and can resist violent combustion, so it is very safe.

Detailed explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of wool quilts

2. Wool quilt disadvantages

Wool quilts may produce odor when they get damp. Compared with down quilts and silk quilts, wool quilts are thicker, slightly oppressive and not soft enough to fit the body. Although wool quilts are very warm, they are not easy to clean when they are dirty.

Pros and cons of wool quilts

The above is the relevant knowledge that the editor has shared with you about the detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of wool quilting. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to know more about wool quilts, please continue to pay attention. Get a quotation in 10 seconds and get four sets of design plans*, as well as full tracking service by a decoration butler, so hurry up!

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Author: clsrich
