Buy Fabric Fabric News How to identify the authenticity of latex mattresses and avoid wasting money

How to identify the authenticity of latex mattresses and avoid wasting money

Everyone pays more and more attention to health, and people’s requirements for mattress are also getting higher and higher. The quality of a person’s sleep It also has …

Everyone pays more and more attention to health, and people’s requirements for mattress are also getting higher and higher. The quality of a person’s sleep It also has a very important relationship with mattresses. Latex mattresses stand out among many mattresses because of their natural environmental protection, high resilience and good support for the human body. The type of mattress you choose, but many businesses on the market will use fake mattresses as inferior ones, and the price of latex mattresses is also more expensive than ordinary mattresses. What you have to do as a consumer is to keep your eyes open and follow the editor. Let’s take a look at How to identify genuine and fake latex mattresses, and don’t spend a lot of money to buy fake ones.

Consumers buying latex mattresses can eliminate inferior latex mattresses by mastering four key points.

How to identify the authenticity of latex mattresses

How to identify the authenticity of latex mattresses

1. Smell

Smell it, high-quality latex mattresses are made of natural latex through a foaming process, and the latex mattress itself has A light frankincense, this kind of frankincense comes with latex mattresses, while industrial synthetic latex contains strong chemical ingredients. Unscrupulous merchants will also add some fragrance to cover up the unpleasant smell.

2. Touch

Touch the mattress. If you find that the mattress feels rough and the color is dull when you touch it, it is generally a fake or inferior latex mattress, because high-quality latex mattresses The surface of the pad is generally delicate and smooth, giving it a very good feel like baby skin.

Identify the authenticity of latex mattresses

Identify the authenticity of latex mattresses

3. Look

Look at the pores. Generally, the foaming process of high-quality latex mattresses has naturally formed ventilation pores of different sizes. Inferior latex beds The pad is manually punched and the edges of the hole are rough. Generally, these problems can be seen with the naked eye.

Four. Try

There is no better alternative than to test it out in person in bed. You should try out a mattress in the same sleeping position that you are used to, prefer, and normally sleep on. Lie flat on the mattress and feel the support and support of all parts of your body, especially your back and waist. Then lie on your side and also feel the support and support of your back and waist. Place your body in the sleep position you are used to. After turning over and turning many times, you can feel the comfort and support the mattress brings to you. Fake latex mattresses generally do not have the above comfort experience.

latex mattress true or false

latex mattress true or false

Editor’s reminder: Bed Mats are in contact with our bodies for a long time every day. If you plan to buy a latex mattress, you must identify the authenticity when purchasing. It is a small matter to waste money, but it is a big deal to affect our health. Friends, be sure to keep your eyes peeled when purchasing. Don’t let illegal businesses succeed.

The above is how the editor shared with you how to identify the authenticity of latex mattresses. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to know more about mattresses, please stay tuned. Get a quotation in 10 seconds and get four sets of design plans*, as well as full tracking service by a decoration butler, so hurry up!

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Author: clsrich
