Buy Fabric Fabric News The efficacy and function of lavender pillow may not be suitable for you

The efficacy and function of lavender pillow may not be suitable for you

Many people like lavender, and the light purple makes people feel comfortable. There are also many lavender-flavored daily necessities in life, especially fresheners and toiletries…

Many people like lavender, and the light purple makes people feel comfortable. There are also many lavender-flavored daily necessities in life, especially fresheners and toiletries. The light lavender scent is soothing. In the past, many people chose to use flower petals as pillow fillings. After lavender became known to people, many families added lavender pillows to their bedrooms. Do you know the efficacy and function of lavender pillow? If you don’t understand, you can follow the editor and take a look.

The efficacy and function of lavender pillow

The efficacy and function of lavender pillow

Effects and functions of lavender pillow

1. Remove odor

Lavender pillow can remove odor, purify the air, promote blood circulation, and regulate physiological functions , eliminate ants, cockroaches, and mites, relieve mental stress, nourish the mood, and enhance memory and other functions.

  Lavender pillow

Lavender pillow

2. Smell the aroma to treat illnesses

The lavender in the lavender pillow has good effects on pain, stroke, paralysis, etc. When a person sleeps, the head temperature causes the active ingredients of the pillow* to slowly emit aroma and condense. Around the pillow, the drug is absorbed through the oral cavity, pharyngeal mucosa and skin to dredge qi and blood, smell the fragrance and cure diseases, allowing you to maintain your health during sleep.

3. Beauty and health care

Lavender pillows have a mellow smell and are becoming more and more popular among the public. Drinking lavender tea can regulate the normal secretion of sebaceous glands, which is beneficial to oily skin and oily hair. It can improve sleep and play a role in beauty and health care. In addition, lavender is also widely used in fields such as regulating menstruation, eczema and acne, and weight loss.

Lavender pillow's beauty and health benefits

The beauty and health benefits of lavender pillow

Editor’s reminder:On the market The lavender pillows on the pillow may not all use lavender as the pillow filling, but may be paired with cassia seeds as the pillow core. Cassia seeds are neutral in nature and have the effects of improving eyesight and calming the mind, clearing away heat and refreshing the brain, clearing the liver and kidneys, lowering blood pressure and laxatives, lowering fat and losing weight; however, people with diarrhea should not use it, as this will aggravate the diarrhea. When cassia and lavender are used as pillow cores, their therapeutic effects are released slowly, so there are almost no side effects when used for a long time. Adults can use it with confidence, but you need to pay attention to babies. After all, lavender is a kind of It is a herbal medicine with a certain smell and allergy. Do not use lavender pillows for infants and young children. You are worried that the smell of lavender will affect the baby’s sense of smell. In addition, some children may be allergic to it.

The above is the efficacy and function of lavender pillow shared by the editor. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to know more about pillows, please stay tuned. Get a quotation in 10 seconds and get four sets of design plans*, as well as full tracking service by a decoration butler, so hurry up!

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Author: clsrich
