Buy Fabric Fabric News Is buckwheat pillow better or cassia pillow better? Comparison will help you understand better

Is buckwheat pillow better or cassia pillow better? Comparison will help you understand better

More and more people pay attention to health, and people have higher and higher requirements for pillows. The types of pillows on the market Very many people will choose to use thi…

More and more people pay attention to health, and people have higher and higher requirements for pillows. The types of pillows on the market Very many people will choose to use things with medium-fat ingredients as pillow fillings; for example, cassia pillows are more common in recent years; many people will also choose to use granular materials such as buckwheat as pillow fillings. Which pillow is better, Buckwheat pillow or Cassia seed pillow? Many people have different opinions. You can follow the editor to see the comparison between buckwheat pillows and cassia pillows.

Which one is better, buckwheat pillow or cassia pillow

Whether a buckwheat pillow or a cassia pillow is better

1. Advantages of cassia pillow

1. Relieve cervical spine problems

Cassia seed is slightly cold in nature and slightly smells of grass. You can smell it when sleeping on your pillow. , like sleeping in the green grass. Cassia seeds are hard and can stimulate acupuncture points on the head and neck, so they have auxiliary effects on headaches, dizziness, insomnia, cerebral arteriosclerosis, cervical spondylosis, etc. caused by hyperactivity of liver yang.

2. Clear the liver and improve eyesight, moisten the intestines and relieve constipation

The active ingredients contained in cassia seeds have the functions of regulating immunity, anti-cancer, antibacterial, lowering blood pressure, regulating blood lipids, improving eyesight and laxative. It has varying degrees of inhibitory effects on Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and pneumococci; it has a blood pressure-lowering effect by acting on the vagus nerve, which is comparable to the traditional anti-hypertensive drug reserpine; it can reduce the intestinal response to cholesterol through catharsis absorption, and can feedback regulate the metabolism of low-density lipoprotein; it can prevent and treat eye diseases such as myopia and senile cataracts.

Advantages of Cassia Pillow

Advantages of cassia pillow

3. Practicality

Cassia seed pillow is made of polyester fiber cotton as raw material, with dried cassia seed cake filling, and is carefully made. The pillow core can be used on both sides, and one side without cassia bags can be used to meet different needs

2. Advantages of buckwheat pillows

Generally, buckwheat pillows have aromatic properties such as resuscitation, activating blood circulation and meridians, sedating the mind, improving intelligence and refreshing the brain, nourishing the internal organs, and regulating yin and yang. After special processing, the medicine can be put into pillows as pillow cores, or made into thin medicine bags and placed on ordinary pillows. When sleeping, the fragrance can be used as a pillow to achieve the effect of smelling and curing diseases.

This treatment method is the specific application of the theories of the four qi and five flavors, rising and falling, floating and meridian tropism in Chinese medicine. During sleep, the head temperature causes the active ingredients of the medicine in the pillow to slowly emit, and the aroma condenses around the pillow. Its smell is light but not thin, long-lasting but not weak, clear but not turbid, quiet but not faint, and scattered but not gone.

  Buckwheat pillow

Buckwheat pillow

Editor’s reminder: The filling of the pillow core is directly related to the quality of the pillow Good or bad, cassia seed pillows are * pillows. The pillows should be aired regularly to prevent the pillows from becoming damp and moldy. Once the pillow filling becomes moldy, not only will it not be able to achieve the purpose of health care, but it will also turn the * pillow into the root cause of disease. Women using cassia pillows can easily cause irregular menstruation, so try not to use them for a long time. Be sure to choose the right pillow for yourself.

The above is what the editor shared with you, which is better, buckwheat pillow or cassia pillow? Hope it helps. If you want to know more about pillows, please stay tuned. Get a quotation in 10 seconds and get four sets of design plans*, as well as full tracking service by a decoration butler, so hurry up!

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Author: clsrich
