Buy Fabric Fabric News Life tips: putting on a quilt is a useful skill

Life tips: putting on a quilt is a useful skill

When it comes to making a quilt, everyone thinks it is very simple, but do you really know how to make a quilt? In fact, putting on a quilt is a basic skill. Correct quilting will …

When it comes to making a quilt, everyone thinks it is very simple, but do you really know how to make a quilt? In fact, putting on a quilt is a basic skill. Correct quilting will save a lot of time. Here, the editor has summarized the Tips for Life on the correct opening* of quilt quilting. Let’s learn some new skills!

Quilt set

Quilt setting

Tips for daily life: How to set a quilt

This is a method for covering the quilt cover with the opening on the side. The editor will introduce it in detail here!

Life Tips for How to Use a Quilt 1

Life tips and quilting method 1


Turn the quilt cover over and lay it flat, with the open side facing Then lay the mattress flat on the quilt cover yourself, and the sides of the quilt cover and mattress should be aligned.


Grab the quilt cover and mattress on the right side at the same time, and roll them to the left. The width is half the distance from the right end of the quilt cover to the right end of the quilt cover opening. Then roll another layer on the right side of the roll along the same width.


Along the left end of the opening of the quilt cover, roll up the left quilt cover and mattress one layer to the right. The quilt cover and mattress are rolled into long strips, so that the opening on the side of the quilt cover is just at the lower end.


Place the rolled quilt horizontally, with the quilt cover opening on the left hand side, and then roll up the right quilt one layer to the left, with the width being one third of the length of the quilt.


Turn the remaining quilt on the right side to the left. At this time, the quilt is in the shape of a square, and the quilt cover opening is on the outside of the “square”*.


Pull the quilt cover and mattress over along the opening of the quilt cover, pinch two corners, and shake the quilt flat.

Life tips and quilting method 2

This is a method for making quilt covers with openings at both ends. This method is very suitable for one person to make a quilt. Let’s take a look at these steps in detail. Even if one person makes a quilt, it can look good quickly. !

Life tips and quilting method 2

Life tips and quilting method 2


Similarly, flip the quilt cover over and lay it flat, then lay the quilt on top and place it at the opening of the quilt cover. On the left hand side.


Along the right side, roll up the quilt cover and mattress layer by layer to the left until you reach the opening.


Turn over the quilt cover and mattress along the opening and shake them flat.

Editor’s reminder: If you encounter a situation where the size of the quilt cover and quilt are not suitable, it is best to Always use some methods to fix the quilt, such as tying straps on the four corners of the mattress and fixing them with the four corners of the quilt cover.

The above is the life tips and quilts that the editor has compiled for you. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to know more about quilts, please continue to pay attention. Get a quotation in 10 seconds and get four sets of design plans*, as well as full tracking service by a decoration butler, so act quickly!

This article is from the Internet, does not represent 【】 position, reproduced please specify the source.

Author: clsrich
