Buy Fabric Fabric News What to do when drying quilts in winter, gain knowledge

What to do when drying quilts in winter, gain knowledge

Many people generally do not shine their quilts in winter due to weather and environmental restrictions, but not drying their quilts in March is equivalent to Mites sleep with them…

Many people generally do not shine their quilts in winter due to weather and environmental restrictions, but not drying their quilts in March is equivalent to Mites sleep with them, so they also need to dry their quilts in winter. So how should they dry their quilts in winter? The editor has summarized for you the precautions for drying quilts in winter, come and gain some knowledge!

Quilt drying in winter

Drying the quilt in winter

1. Drying the quilt in winter Misunderstanding

Misunderstanding about drying the quilt in winter

Misunderstandings about drying quilts in winter

1 , Drying the quilt for too long in winter

Drying the quilt on sunny days in winter is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Half. Most people always want to stay in the sun for a while, but this will allow the cold and moisture to invade, so it is better not to dry the quilt at all.

2. Pat after drying the quilt in winter

Many people like to pat the quilt after drying it, thinking that it can remove dust and make the quilt fluffy and soft. But scientifically speaking, this view is wrong. A quilt that has been aired has a large amount of warm air stored between the fibers, making it fluffy, warm, and dry. If the quilt is patted hard, the fluffiness will be reduced. After beating, the fibers will break and tend to clump.

3. In winter, cover yourself directly with the quilt when drying in the sun

Due to the cold weather in winter and rare sunny days, people like to cover the quilt directly after drying it. They feel that covering it like this has the smell of sunshine. In fact, this is unscientific. The quilt has just been dried. Can easily cause asthma and other diseases.

2. Things to note when drying quilts in winter

Things to note when drying your quilt in winter

Things to note when drying quilts in winter

1. Drying frequency

The frequency of drying wool quilts in winter is twice a month and two hours in the shade. The frequency of drying feather quilts is once a month. In winter, one hour is enough. Dry them in a cool place.

2. Avoid windy days and “secondary pollution”

Dry your bedding when the weather is good, and try to avoid windy days to prevent dust and pollen in the air from falling on the quilt and making it dirty. You should also choose to dry it in a place with clean air to avoid “secondary pollution” of the quilt during the drying process.

3. Sunbathing time is from 11 noon to 2 pm

Although the temperature in winter is not high, the ultraviolet rays in the warm afternoon sunlight are relatively strong. In addition, the air in winter is relatively dry, which can still satisfy people’s needs to dispel moisture, eliminate mold and sterilize. drying needs. It is usually appropriate to dry the quilt* from 11 noon to 2 pm every day.

Editor’s reminder: Quilts come in a variety of materials, different materials, and methods of drying. It’s also different. Quilts can be dried directly, but fabrics made of chemical fiber and mixed fibers cannot be dried directly in the sun. When drying wool quilts and down quilts, remember to cover them with a thin cloth or hang them in a ventilated place for an hour.

The above is the content related to drying quilts in winter that the editor has compiled for you. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to know more about quilts, please continue to pay attention. Get a quotation in 10 seconds and get four sets of design plans*, as well as full tracking service by a decoration butler, so act quickly!

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Author: clsrich
