Buy Fabric Fabric News [Frontline Research] The market situation has been deteriorating to the end, and the epidemic has hit a war. The textile boss said bluntly: This Jinsan is probably “waste”!

[Frontline Research] The market situation has been deteriorating to the end, and the epidemic has hit a war. The textile boss said bluntly: This Jinsan is probably “waste”!

It’s already mid-to-late March, and the so-called golden period is coming to an end soon, but the market still doesn’t look like it should in the peak season… about order…… T…

It’s already mid-to-late March, and the so-called golden period is coming to an end soon, but the market still doesn’t look like it should in the peak season…

about order……

The issue of peak season orders has attracted much attention. In previous years, peak season orders have been issued one after another. Textile bosses have been very busy now. However, this year, there does not seem to be a large number of orders being issued. The peak season in March will end in less than ten days. But the order has not yet been placed.

“Our maximum orders are until the end of the month, and there are currently no hot-selling varieties in the market. To be fair, 380T and 400T nylon spinning are okay, but because we stocked up too much last year, the price has been suppressed this year, and we are basically losing money. Now we just sell when there is an order, and we can’t control that much anymore,” said a money manager in foreign trade.

“We can currently place orders until mid-to-late April, mainly for yarn-dyed fabrics. Recently, four-sided stretch jacquard and bubble plaid have been selling well. They are very easy to sell at this time of year, mainly due to rigid demand.” A salesperson said Mr. Shan from jacquard and yarn-dyed fabrics said.

“The order situation is not too ideal. If there are orders in stock, we will sell them. The orders are mainly for T400 and jacket fabrics. I haven’t heard of any hot-selling products on the market. Later orders will be mainly affected by the epidemic. It depends on the extent of the epidemic recovery.” Mr. Zheng, who mainly deals in T400, said.

Through research, the most commonly heard answers are that there are no hot-selling varieties, the order situation is not good, and the fabrics are on the verge of losing money… This is really not what the peak season should be like. The epidemic situation has repeated and demand has dropped. Textile bosses are also in trouble. How much cloth should they buy? In 2016, the epidemic accounted for three years!

about the price……

The market conditions are not good, and the demand reduction is accompanied by the falling prices of various gray fabrics and low-price competition. Textile bosses not only have to face depressed market conditions, but also a long-lasting price war.

“The gray fabric has increased a little, one or two wool. The 380T and 400T matte nylon fabrics are losing money. The raw materials have increased by more than 2,000. The nylon has not increased but has fallen. Because the domestic sales of nylon last year were very poor, so this year’s nylon It is definitely not popular, and there is no change in the cost side. Customers with large quantities will only bargain for prices, and will not tell you that the fabric will increase if the raw materials increase. There is no such saying in the current market.” said a foreign trade manager.

“The price of gray fabrics has definitely gone up, because the raw materials have gone up, but the fabrics haven’t. The market is not good and we can’t afford to go up. The profit margin of our jet fabrics is slightly larger, so we don’t give the increase to our customers, so we all absorb it ourselves. Later on, the gray fabrics It is difficult to rise, and even if it does rise, it won’t rise much, and it won’t last long. The main reason is that the downstream has not moved, making it difficult to support the price increase.” said a Shan manager who specializes in jacquard and yarn-dyed fabrics.

“The price of gray fabrics does not dare to rise because the market is not good; we have not sold at a loss for the time being. The price of gray fabrics still follows the market. There is demand in the market. No matter how high the price is, people will buy it. The impact of cost on gray fabrics is no longer big.” Mr. Zheng, who mainly deals in T400, said.

The problem is very obvious, and the opinions are expressed. There is demand in the market, and people will buy it no matter how high the price is. However, the current demand in the market has visibly reduced. Selling at a loss and competing at low prices have become commonplace. I responded to the above-mentioned textile boss’s words. In a word, customers will only bargain for prices and don’t care whether your raw materials have increased or not. The impact on the cost side on gray fabrics is almost non-existent.

It’s not just raw materials that are rising in price, but also dyeing fees. I visited several traders who have some knowledge of dyeing factories and they all said that dyeing fees have increased recently. Originally, fabric profits were pitiful, and dyeing fees have also increased. As prices rise, textile bosses’ profits become tighter.

The textile boss has something to say…

Faced with this year’s market situation, the textile boss expressed his bitterness. Everyone in the textile market is like this. There are very few textile companies with many orders and high profits. In recent years, the normal operation trajectory has been disrupted by the epidemic. , facing the traditional peak season like Jin San, there is no confidence.

“I’m afraid the market won’t get better this year. There’s still a war outside. Jinsan doesn’t have any hot-selling products at all, and orders are very few.” A money manager in foreign trade said.

“The epidemic has been repeated this year, and I shouldn’t be too optimistic about the future. The impact of the epidemic is quite large.” said a manager Shan who specializes in jacquard and yarn-dyed fabrics.

“The market still depends on the epidemic situation. The demand may be better after the epidemic situation is improved…” A major T400 dealer saidMr. Zheng said.

Obviously, from the evaluation of the current textile market by the above textile bosses, it can be seen that the main reasons for the lack of gold and the lack of peak season are the greater impact of the epidemic and foreign wars.

In general, the peak season did not bring us the orders we should have, but don’t lose confidence in the market. The epidemic will be defeated sooner or later. I believe that the country’s ability to prevent the epidemic and demand will one day increase!

This article is from the Internet, does not represent 【】 position, reproduced please specify the source.

Author: clsrich
