Buy Fabric Fabric News Chief Dai Fangyin of the National Sericulture System investigates and guides the development of Jiangsu’s sericulture industry

Chief Dai Fangyin of the National Sericulture System investigates and guides the development of Jiangsu’s sericulture industry

On April 8-10, Dai Fangyin, chief scientist of the National Sericulture Industry Technology System The professor conducts research and guides the development of the sericulture ind…

On April 8-10, Dai Fangyin, chief scientist of the National Sericulture Industry Technology System The professor conducts research and guides the development of the sericulture industry in Jiangsu Province. National sericulture system post scientist, Professor Li Bing of Suzhou University, national sericulture system post scientist, associate researcher Liu Li, executive vice president of the School of Biotechnology, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, national sericulture system post scientists researcher Qian Heying, Zhao Weiguo, associate researcher Zhang Yeshun, national sericulture system post scientist Researcher Zhou Chengwei, director of the Northern Jiangsu Comprehensive Experimental Station of Sericulture System and deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Sericulture Research Institute, conducted the investigation together.

Chief Dai Fangyin first came to the College of Biotechnology of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology , visited the National Mulberry Germplasm Resource Garden (Zhenjiang) and the National Silkworm Genetic Resources Gene Bank (Jiangsu), and held discussions and exchanges with all scientists working on the national sericulture system in Jiangsu, the director of the comprehensive experimental station and team members. The acting chief listened to the work reports and exchanges between scientists at each position, the director of the comprehensive experimental station and the team, and gave guidance and requirements for the work of each position. He hoped that everyone would keep in mind the “increase farmers’ income” proposed by Academician Xiang Zhonghuai in Zhenjiang at the beginning of the establishment of the system. , enterprise efficiency, and industrial development” goals, do a good job in building the talent team, plan and coordinate the relationship between system work and unit work, actively assume responsibilities, and strive to innovate , to promote the high quality development of the sericulture industry in the new era.

During his stay at the school, Secretary Li Muwang, the head of the School of Biotechnology , Dean Tan Anjiang and team members, former position scientists Researcher Li Long, Researcher Xu Anying, etc. met with Professor Dai Fangyin and exchanged relevant information and opinions.


Subsequently, Dai Fangyin and his delegation went to Hai’an City and Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province for field research. In Haian, the acting chief inspected the factory-based sericulture project of Xinyuan Group, Zhongsi Xinyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and Haian Xinfengcun Modern Sericulture Farm, and fully affirmed Haian’s “mulberry-silkworm-cocoon-silk-silk” The whole industry chain development model and the interest linkage mechanism of “linking farmers, helping farmers, and enriching farmers”. During the period, Mr. Chu Chengping, Chairman of Xinyuan Group, met with Professor Dai Fangyin to discuss the development ideas and paths of modern sericulture. The heads of Hai’an Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, Sericulture Technology Promotion Station and leading enterprises accompanied the inspection.

In Dongtai, the acting chief visited the Dongtai Jiayuan Silkworm Cocoon Breeding Farm Demonstration bases such as Jiangsu Fu’an CocoonSilk Company and Fu’an Sericulture Industrial Park highly praise the “company + cooperative + farmer” industrialized business model established by Fu’an. During the investigation, Mr. Lu Kesong, the former chairman of Fuan Company, and Mr. Lu Hong, the current chairman, met with Professor Dai Fangyin and had in-depth conversations on modern sericulture development models and other related issues.

During the research, Dai Fangyin attached great importance to the foundation of the sericulture industry andTransformation and upgrading. Everywhere you go, you must pay attention to issues such as innovation in planting and breeding models, improvement of production efficiency, improvement of product quality and efficiency, improvement of land and resource utilization, strengthening green prevention and control of pests and diseases, and improving the level of integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Dai Fangyin believes that the eastern region has achieved significant results in the transformation and upgrading of the sericulture industry, and has long-term exploration and mature experience in ensuring and coordinating mechanisms to increase the income of sericulture farmers and increase corporate efficiency; he hopes to continue to innovate production and operation models and strengthen the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements. , continue to empower industrial upgrading; it is necessary to maintain the foundation of mulberry orchards and consolidate the industrial foundation, while vigorously developing efficient models such as sericulture parks and family farms, creating a pilot demonstration area for the high-quality development of the modern sericulture industry, and improving industrial competitiveness.

Dai Fangyin emphasized that it is necessary to clarify the functional role of the sericulture industry and further focus on the “low, medium and high” “Do a good job at three levels. “Low” means that the sericulture industry should effectively serve farmers to increase their income and become rich, and support rural revitalization; “medium” means that it should support and extend processing, trade, and services, increase added value, and expand employment /span>, serving the high-quality development of the regional economy; “high” means serving high-quality life and high-end manufacturing needs, including supplying high-quality silk clothing, healthy sleep products, functional feeds, new foods, health drugs and other great health products, and developing Medical new materials such as silk protein, various functional composite materials, etc., to expand consumption and integrate agriculture Culture and tourism contribute to ecological civilization and dual-carbon goals, and enhance people’s sense of gain and happiness for a better life.

On the 10th, Chief Dai Fangyin was invited to Suzhou University. Make a special report on industrial development for teachers and students of the Department of Applied Biology, School of Basic Medicine and Biological Sciences, and conduct discussions and exchanges. Professor Li Bing presided over the report meeting and discussion, and sericulture professors Xu Shiqing, Gong Chengliang, Sima Yanghu, Zhang Yuqing and others attended the event. Dai Fangyin said that the revitalization of China’s sericulture requires the efforts of the whole country. The sericulture team of Soochow University is an important innovative force. He hopes to continue to build a strong talent team and seize the major opportunities of rural revitalization strategy and bioeconomic planning to cooperate with the national sericulture industry. Together, we will use innovation to drive sericulture in the renaissance era, make the sericulture industry a competitive industry that meets the development requirements of the new era, and jointly promote the sericulture industry to return to the main track of economic development. After the report meeting, Dai Fangyin, accompanied by professors, inspected the research conditions of the sericulture discipline of the school and conducted on-site exchanges on topics such as discipline construction.

On the last stop of this trip to Jiangsu, Dai Fangyin The chief and Professor Li Bing came to Zhenze Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou City to inspect the Taihu Snow Sericulture Cultural Park. Accompanied by Ms. Hu Yufang, the company’s chairman, Dai Fangyin carefully understood the park’s business content, business model, development status and future plans. Relying on the profound sericulture culture of Zhenze Silk Town, the park is based on the demonstration of modern sericulture agriculture, combined with the development of sericulture technology derivatives and the development of sericulture eco-tourism, creating a new model of “Internet + culture, business, tourism and agriculture”. We are committed to building a pastoral complex with coordinated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries and have achieved exemplary results.

Enter the sericulture science popularization space, cultural center, silk quilt making workshop, E-commerce window, stroll through the ecological mulberry garden, intelligent temperature and humidity control silkworm house, Dai Fangyin highly appreciates the pleasant experience Taihu Snow Sericulture Park brings to people. He believes that this type of “sericulture pastoral” model has good development prospects in the context of rural revitalization, and expresses his willingness to contribute to the park’s further upgrading. Provide support related to new sericulture technology.


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Author: clsrich
