Buy Fabric Fabric News Shanghai’s “cloud” empowers the textile industry to become high-end, intelligent and green

Shanghai’s “cloud” empowers the textile industry to become high-end, intelligent and green

A network covering nearly 10,000 textile companies across the country and completing “digital links” with more than 700,000 textile machinery has become a powerful tool…

A network covering nearly 10,000 textile companies across the country and completing “digital links” with more than 700,000 textile machinery has become a powerful tool for driving cost reduction, efficiency improvement, transformation and upgrading of the national textile industry. The core of this network called “Feixuo Intelligent Textile” is located in Shanghai, the leading city of industrial Internet. Thanks to the company’s bold innovation and hard development, and the careful cultivation of relevant departments, “Feixuo Intelligent Textile” has become one of the most influential industrial Internet benchmark platforms in the city and even the country.

The Industrial Internet is an important topic at the National Two Sessions every year. In the past six years, it has been included in government work reports continuously, highlighting the value and attention of the digital economy. This year’s government work report emphasizes accelerating the digital transformation of traditional industries and small and medium-sized enterprises, and focusing on improving the level of high-end, intelligent, and green.

Through the practice of “Feixuo Intelligent Textile”, we can see that although the textile industry is no longer a key industry in Shanghai, Shanghai can still rely on its profound industrial heritage and comprehensive advantages in digital talents and technology. , empowering the development of the national real economy, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, in a new dimension, while also finding a new breakthrough for Shanghai to build a modern industrial system and promote high-quality development.

A “textile cloud” covering the whole country

The office of Shanghai Zhijing Information Technology Co., Ltd. is located on the high floor of an office building in the North Bund. Here, you can not only overlook the mighty Huangpu River, but also have a panoramic view of the textile industry – log in to the “Feixuo Intelligent Textile” platform developed by Zhijing Technology, and use numbers, charts and other forms to view the data of nearly 10,000 textile companies across the country. The general capacity utilization situation is at a glance. One of the pictures shows that after the Spring Festival this year, the entire industry recovered rapidly and continuously pulled out the “Changyang Line”.

In the past four years, Zhijing Technology has independently developed a complete set of equipment, software and system platforms in response to the digital transformation needs of enterprises in the upstream of the textile industry – spinning, weaving, printing and dyeing, etc., to integrate textile producers , managers are liberated from traditional work models. For example, hundreds of pieces of equipment at a textile company in Jiaxing, Zhejiang are now equipped with a box developed by Zhijing Technology and become an IoT terminal. The operating parameters of the equipment are collected by the box and connected to the “cloud brain” through the “Flyshuo Intelligent Spinning” platform. As long as the person in charge of the company turns on his mobile phone, he can easily use the App to manage the factory. If there is an abnormality in the operation of any equipment, the platform can detect it in time and solve it in a timely manner. The platform also collects and displays the working hours and output of each front-line staff in real time and intuitively. Since completing the digital transformation, the company’s equipment efficiency, per capita output, and management costs have all dropped significantly.

Guan Ruifeng, vice president of Zhijing Technology, told reporters that they are very focused on the industrial Internet – focusing on textiles, investing heavily in team building and research and development; at the same time, they are also very down-to-earth and closely follow the needs of enterprises. For this reason, during development, engineers will be required to go to the production line in the Yangtze River Delta to work hard and strive to “understand textiles better than customers.” In addition, Zhijing Technology has also subverted the stereotype that “digitalization is expensive” – ​​the price of their equipment and solutions is only 1/10 of that of traditional suppliers. The minimum investment for a loom only costs more than 100 yuan, and a factory only costs 10,000 yuan. can enter the digital age.

With its technological and cost advantages, “Flyshuo Intelligent Textile” has quickly established a reputation in the industry. In the past three years, their boxes, software and systems have been installed on more than 700,000 devices in nearly 10,000 companies across the country, forming a “textile cloud” extending from the Yangtze River Delta to the Pearl River Delta and the central and western regions.

Driving in-depth changes in the textile business model

Since joining the industrial Internet in 2018, Zhijing Technology hopes to consolidate its core competitiveness through digital technology and establish close “digital links” with textile companies ”, develop yourself while empowering the industry. For Zhijing Technology, the changes that digitalization will bring to the textile industry are not just within the company or limited to the production model. More importantly, it is about innovating business models, strengthening industrial collaboration, and changing competition rules.

Guan Ruifeng said that the industrial chain of the textile industry is very long, but it was very fragmented before, with opaque upstream and downstream information and insufficient coordination. Upstream and downstream generally only rely on traditional and extensive methods to connect. In the face of changing market demands and fashion trends, disadvantages are becoming increasingly apparent. Especially when the market goes down, companies have an urgent need to reduce costs and increase efficiency. To this end, Zhijing Technology seizes the opportunity and uses the industrial Internet as a starting point to provide countermeasures. It hopes to open up information flow, commodity flow, and capital flow in the entire industry while transforming factories one by one.

In fact, the development of IoT boxes and cloud computing platforms to allow enterprises to “go to the cloud and connect to the Internet” is only the first step in the blueprint; as more and more enterprises access “Flyshuo Smart Textile” Platforms are equivalent to being digitally integrated into a huge “capacity pool”. At this time, the industrial docking model has changed: downstream buyers no longer have to go through troubles to find factories, but can throw hydrangea to “Feixuo Intelligent Textile”; the system will combine the production capacity of each enterprise in the “cloud” based on the idle situation. After comprehensive evaluation of its technical characteristics, contract performance records, etc., the most suitable manufacturer will be found and provided to the purchaser. In this model, upstream factories are like taxi drivers to a certain extent. They no longer need to blindly drive on the road and wait for passengers to hail them. Instead, they can use taxi-hailing platforms to take orders purposefully.

That’s it, “Flyshuo Intelligent Spinning”�After becoming a digital production hub, it has also become the operating brain of the textile industry chain. Zhijing Technology has created a “production based on demand” model in the textile industry. As all links are connected by digital technology, both supply and demand sides benefit – on the production side, the capacity utilization rate of many companies has increased significantly from about 60% in the past to 80%; on the procurement side, because the platform can handle accidents and accidents in factories, When delivery cannot be made on time, production capacity can be allocated in a timely manner and other companies can be found to “take over”. The probability of on-time and quality delivery of purchase orders has been qualitatively improved.

The Made in Shanghai brand is getting brighter and brighter

Zhijing Technology’s exploration in the textile field has provided a good inspiration for the development of the industrial Internet in Shanghai. As a super-large city, Shanghai has a solid industrial foundation, rich technology and human resources, and complete urban functions such as finance and shipping. Based on this, Shanghai can promote the accelerated integration of new generation information technology and the real economy, which can further consolidate the “Made in Shanghai” brand and accelerate Convert old and new driving forces to achieve better configuration and value doubling of industrial and supply chains on a larger scale, at a deeper level, and at a higher level.

In fact, Shanghai has been promoting the accelerated development of the industrial Internet in the past few years. After the implementation of relevant special actions in the previous three years, the scale of the city’s industrial Internet industry has exceeded 150 billion yuan, and 30 industrial Internet platforms with industry influence have been created. As many experts have said, in the field of industrial Internet, Shanghai is building new advantages in resilience and high-quality development with the help of government guidance, professional services and model innovation.

In fact, the parent company of Zhijing Technology was originally founded in Guangzhou. However, when it joined the industrial Internet, it took into account that Shanghai is close to the textile industry clusters in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and more importantly, it is surrounded by Shanghai. Attracted by the comprehensive advantages, it was a natural choice to establish the industrial Internet business headquarters in Shanghai. Facts have proved that Zhijing Technology’s choice was correct. At present, “Feixuo Intelligent Textile” has become the benchmark platform for Shanghai’s industrial Internet, and Zhijing Technology has also been selected as one of the top ten “chain master” companies in Shanghai’s industrial Internet.

Currently, Zhijing Technology is based in Shanghai and expanding nationwide. At the same time, further rely on research and development to promote the upgrading of the textile industry from digitalization to intelligence. Based on artificial intelligence algorithms, they have launched “weaving and edge inspection” technology, which allows machine vision to replace workers and find defects in cloth on the loom, thereby significantly shortening downtime, improving cloth quality, and saving a lot of personnel. In the field of printing and dyeing, they have developed a “color matching brain” that allows young people to have the same skills as old masters, thus greatly improving the first-time success rate of dyeing. This alone can save a medium-sized enterprise millions of yuan every year. cost.

In addition, they are also trying to use the industrial Internet to promote financial innovation. Since the factory’s business is more guaranteed and its operations are more transparent after moving to the cloud, banks are more willing to provide financing to small and medium-sized enterprises. At present, major state-owned commercial banks have cooperated with Zhijing to provide credit loans to small and medium-sized textile enterprises, thereby relieving the industry’s financial pressure.


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Author: clsrich
