Buy Fabric Fabric News Are styling pillows useful? What are the dangers of styling pillows? How many months should you start using styling pillows?

Are styling pillows useful? What are the dangers of styling pillows? How many months should you start using styling pillows?

Newborn babies need careful care from their families because all their organs are very immature. Because some babies are not careful while sleeping, their head shape changes as the…

Newborn babies need careful care from their families because all their organs are very immature. Because some babies are not careful while sleeping, their head shape changes as they grow up, leaving them with lifelong regrets. This is when you need to use a styling pillow. So Are styling pillows useful? What are the dangers of styling pillows? Today, the editor will give you a detailed introduction, and then take a look at How many months to start using the shaping pillow to provide reference for friends in need.

1. Are shaped pillows useful?

1. The shaping pillow is also called the “baby shaping pillow”. This is a pillow suitable for babies from birth to 3 years old. It can prevent the baby’s head from turning and does not strain the baby’s cervical spine. Causes oppression and plays a protective role.

Are shaped pillows useful?

2. Shaping pillows are very useful, because if a newborn uses an ordinary pillow, because the height is too high, it will cause pressure on the spine, so it has a concave shape. Pillows are more suitable for babies.

3. Some babies find that their head shape is skewed when they grow up. This is caused by their sleeping position. Because the baby’s sleeping position determines the shape of his head in the future. Therefore, shaping pillows should be used for newborns.

4. However, shaped pillows cannot be used blindly. It mainly depends on the baby’s sleeping position. Generally, the corrective function of shaped pillows is limited, and improper use will have adverse effects and even endanger your health.

2. The dangers of shaped pillows

1. Some shaped pillows are not scientifically designed and do not help correct the head shape. Instead, they will cause the baby to sleep with a flat head, because the baby’s head is fixed in the depression of the pillow. The back of the head is easily crushed.

2. The use of shaped pillows is relatively limited, and the baby can only face up. If your baby lies on his back for a long time after feeding, the risk of suffocation increases. On the other hand, shaped pillows generally have obstructions on both sides. Once the baby sleeps on one side, the mouth and nose will be blocked. If parents do not discover it in time, the consequences will be disastrous.

For babies under 3 months old, the physiological curvature of the spine has not yet formed. If you use a shaped pillow at this time, it will It causes certain compression on the spine, leading to spinal deformation, which can seriously affect the baby’s breathing and swallowing.

Summary: From the above points, the potential harm of shaped pillows to babies still exists, and novice parents must consider it completely , if used improperly, it will cause irreparable consequences!

The dangers of shaped pillows

3. How many months should you start using the shaped pillow?

1. The function of the shaping pillow is to prevent the baby’s head from turning and causing head deviation, and to ensure a good head shape. Generally speaking, it is most suitable to start using shaped pillows when the baby is 3 months old, because before 3 months, the baby’s body and head are relatively delicate, and using pillows will cause oppression.

2. When the baby is 3 months old, he begins to learn movements such as raising his head, and the spine also begins to move forward naturally. After bending, the body begins new development and growth, and the shoulders gradually become wider. In order to maintain a suitable posture during sleep, you should start using a shaped pillow from this time on.

3. If you use a shaped pillow for your child too early, it will disrupt the child’s natural physiological development and affect the growth of bones. In severe cases, it will also It will affect normal breathing and swallowing, leading to accidents.

 styling pillow for a few months and start using it

The above is aboutIs the molded pillow useful? What are the dangers of the molded pillow? How many months should you start using the molded pillowRelated content, I hope it can be helpful to everyone! , China’s well-known large-scale decoration platform and leading decoration brand. If you want to put some thought into decoration and design, it is recommended that you apply for professional design services. Professional designers can help you plan a reasonable space layout and exquisite design through on-site room measurement.

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Author: clsrich
