Buy Fabric Fabric News Is it better to have a higher pillow or a lower pillow? What is the appropriate pillow height?

Is it better to have a higher pillow or a lower pillow? What is the appropriate pillow height?

Pillows are something we often use in bedding, but when using pillows, they are also particular about their height. I believe this We all know that a pillow that is too high or too…

Pillows are something we often use in bedding, but when using pillows, they are also particular about their height. I believe this We all know that a pillow that is too high or too low will affect our comfort during use. So is it better to have a higher pillow or a lower pillow? What is the appropriate pillow height? There are many types of pillows in the market, so how do you choose the pillow that suits you?

Is it better to have a higher pillow or a lower pillow?

1. Is it better to have a higher or lower pillow?

As for the question of whether it is better to have a higher pillow or a lower pillow, there is actually no fixed formula. Generally speaking, there is only one that suits you, because people have different body types and different needs. The pillows are also different in height.

If you use a pillow that is too high, it will put the head in a forced flexion position and cause the soft tissue behind the neck to bend for a long time. Being in a stretched state for a long time will affect the cervical spine. Using a high pillow will increase the curvature of the head and brain, which will affect the blood flow to the brain, easily leading to snoring, dry throat, sore throat and other symptoms.

Relevant experts believe that the softness and hardness of the pillow should be moderate. After sleeping, the pillow will form a natural saddle with a low middle and high ends. When lying on your back, the height of the pillow should be about one fist in the middle; when lying on your side, with your head on both ends, the height of the pillow should be about one and a half fists.

However, most people do not have big requirements for how high a pillow should be for sleeping. They only require that it is comfortable to sleep on. However, Sleeping on pillows that are too high not only affects our sleep, but also affects our health. Therefore, it is recommended that the height of the pillow that is more suitable for people to sleep on is 10-15 cm. However, the specific pillow height should be considered according to each person’s own physiological curvature. Simply put, it is the height of the pillow that makes everyone sleep comfortably.

What is the appropriate pillow height?

2. What is the appropriate pillow height

1. Pillow height

As for the most appropriate pillow height, in fact, the pillow height is generally between 10-15 cm. * Most suitable, but actual use still depends on personal circumstances. For example, the physiological curvature of the neck. People with broad shoulders and fat bodies can sleep on higher pillows, while thin people can sleep on lower pillows.

2. Different sleeping heights

For people who are used to sleeping on their backs, the height of the pillow should be equivalent to the height of a fist and a half. For people who sleep on their sides, the height of the pillow can be approximately equal to the width of one shoulder. However, it is recommended that whether you sleep on your back or on your side, it is best to use a pillow that can maintain the normal physiological curvature of the cervical spine.

Recommendation: When sleeping on a pillow, *the part supporting the back of the head* should be 3-5 cm lower than the part supporting the neck, so that Helps maintain the natural curvature of the neck. When sleeping, sleep on the higher end so that it can support the cervical spine during use. Also, if the pillow height is too high, it can easily cause spondylosis. Pillow height that is too high is one of the common causes of stiff neck and cervical spondylosis.

How to choose a pillow that suits you

3. How to choose a pillow that suits you

There are single and double pillows on the market. The pillows currently on the market have different differences in quality, style, price, etc. It is recommended that when choosing, the length of a single pillow should exceed your own. The appropriate shoulder width is 15 centimeters, and the height should be the height of your fist after compression. The surface of the pillow that supports the neck and back should be cylindrical and have a certain hardness. The part supporting the back of the head should be 3-5 cm lower than the above part.

When choosing a pillow that suits you, generally speaking, you have to choose a pillow that suits you and you also have to like it. What kind of sleeping position? Sleeping positions are divided into supine, side and stomach. The pillow* is the best choice to keep your neck in a normal position whether you sleep on your back or on your side.To manage the curvature, it is appropriate for an adult to have a pillow height of 15 to 20 centimeters when sleeping on his back, and about 20 to 15 centimeters when sleeping on his side.

Note: The above is the relevant content about how to choose a pillow that suits you, so that everyone can refer to the above content when making a choice.

Related reading: 8 kinds of things you should not put under your pillow

The above is the relevant content aboutIs it better to have a higher pillow or a lower pillow, and what is the most appropriate pillow height? I hope it will be helpful to everyone! , China’s well-known large-scale decoration platform and leading decoration brand. If you want to put some thought into decoration and design, it is recommended that you apply for professional design services. Professional designers can help you plan a reasonable space layout and exquisite design through on-site room measurement.

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Author: clsrich
