Buy Fabric Fabric News 8 things you should not put under your pillow. What should you put under your pillow to avoid nightmares?

8 things you should not put under your pillow. What should you put under your pillow to avoid nightmares?

Pillow is our sleeping tool. Pillows play a big role when sleeping, but when placing pillows, there are many things that cannot be Put it under the pillow, so which 8 things cannot…

Pillow is our sleeping tool. Pillows play a big role when sleeping, but when placing pillows, there are many things that cannot be Put it under the pillow, so which 8 things cannot be put under the pillow? What can I put under my pillow to prevent nightmares? What should I put under my pillow to ward off evil? Next, the editor will introduce to you the 8 things not to put under the pillow and what to put under the pillow to avoid nightmares.

8 kinds of things not to be placed under the pillow

1. 8 things not to be placed under the pillow

1. Mobile phones and tablets

The most taboo thing under the pillow is to prevent electronic products. The most common ones we have are mobile phones and tablets. These things will cause radiation interference after a long time, which will affect brain rest to a certain extent and have an impact on mental state.

2. Avoid placing mirrors

Placing a mirror under the pillow may lead to bad luck, especially affecting health and interpersonal luck, leading to low immunity and conflicts with friends or colleagues.

3. Avoid placing sanitary products

Sanitary products are bad luck in a sense, and the pillow is a sleeping tool. If you place sanitary napkins or paper towels under the pillow, it will bring bad luck to you. Putting these things under the pillow can easily breed bacteria and viruses, which is not good for your health. It can easily cause inflammation in the body and make treatment troublesome.

4. Avoid putting a comb

It is also not good to put a comb under the pillow. The ultimate consequence of doing so will make the feng shui of your bedroom extremely bad, and will make you fall into bad luck.

5. Avoid setting alarm clocks

It is also a bad idea to place an alarm clock under the pillow. If it suddenly rings in your head while sleeping, it will not only prevent people from waking up, but will also be bad for your health.

6. Avoid using scissors

Putting scissors under the pillow can cause people to have nightmares, dreaming about their loved ones leaving, or dying unexpectedly, or being chased by ghosts, etc. Placing scissors under the pillow can cause mental oppression and tension.

7. Avoid using a knife

A knife is an evil thing, and it is inappropriate to place a knife under the pillow. Put a knife under your pillow, and evil spirits will sneak into your body when you are least prepared. Controlling you to do things you don’t like to do will result in bad luck, and you may even lose your life as a result.

8. Needlework

In Some people also place needles and threads under pillows. In fact, this practice is very unlucky and very unsafe.

What to put under your pillow to avoid nightmares

2. What to put under your pillow to avoid nightmares

Many people have nightmares when sleeping. If nightmares occur for a long time, it will affect our spirit and the quality of our sleep. In some places, there are some traditional methods to avoid nightmares by placing something under the pillow. So what can you put under the pillow to prevent nightmares?

You can put dog teeth under the pillow to ward off evil spirits. Some people have poor sleep quality and often have nightmares, so it is also very useful to put some dog teeth under the pillow. The appearance of the dog teeth is particularly beautiful. We can also wear them by ourselves and tie them up with a beautiful red string. It will look very fashionable on you.

How to avoid nightmares:

1. It is recommended not to watch scary scenes

Many people have nightmares because they see too many scary scenes in TV movies. Therefore, it is recommended not to watch scary scenes before going to bed.

2. Secondly correct the bad onesSleeping posture

If long-term bad sleeping postures such as compression of the heart can also cause nightmares during sleep, it is recommended to sleep on the right side. posture, the pillow should not be too high.

3. Psychological suggestion is also a good method

Nightmares are also related to your own heart, and can be relieved through good self-psychological suggestion. Nightmares are sometimes a manifestation of disease in certain organs of the body. If you often have nightmares, you can go to the hospital for a detailed physical examination.

What to put under the pillow to ward off evil spirits

3. What to put under the pillow to ward off evil spirits

1. Dog teeth

Placing dog teeth under the pillow can ward off evil spirits. Many people had poor sleep quality when they were children. , would place dog teeth under the pillow to ward off evil spirits. Some people have poor sleep quality and often have nightmares. It is also very useful to put some dog teeth under the pillow. The dog teeth are also very beautiful in appearance, or you can wear them by yourself and wear them with a beautiful red string. It will look very fashionable when worn on your body.

2. Taomu Sword

Peach wood is the most masculine thing to ward off evil spirits. Some people will buy a peach wood sword in the market and put it under the pillow in order to have a good sleep quality. This approach is also very feasible. However, peach wood swords on the market are generally made by machines. It is recommended that you look for peach branches pointing due south in the peach row during the Dragon Boat Festival in May. It is also very good to make one yourself.

3. Jade

Jade It is also a good decoration. Some people have particularly poor physical constitution, so they often suffer from chest tightness and shortness of breath, especially when they are asleep. Some elderly people say that the evil spirit is too strong. It is recommended to place jade under the pillow, which can be used as an item to ward off evil spirits.

Related reading: The efficacy and function of lavender pillow

The above is the relevant content about 8 kinds of things not to put under the pillow and what to put under the pillow to avoid nightmares. I hope it will be helpful to everyone! , China’s well-known large-scale decoration platform and leading decoration brand. If you want to put some thought into decoration and design, it is recommended that you apply for professional design services. Professional designers can help you plan a reasonable space layout and exquisite design through on-site room measurement.

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Author: clsrich
