Buy Fabric Fabric News Cotton fiber becomes an indicator of heat

Cotton fiber becomes an indicator of heat

Cotton fiber is an indicator of heat Indicators indicating the maturity of cotton fiber include maturity coefficient, mature fiber percentage and maturity ratio. 1. The finished pr…

Cotton fiber is an indicator of heat

Indicators indicating the maturity of cotton fiber include maturity coefficient, mature fiber percentage and maturity ratio. 1. The finished product coefficient is a corresponding value determined based on the ratio of cotton fiber cavity width to wall thickness (related to fiber morphology, as shown in Figure 1-1). The 18 values ​​specified after the cotton fiber maturity is divided into 18 groups. , the maturity coefficient of immature cotton fiber is set as zero, and the maturity coefficient of mature cotton fiber is set as 5, which is used to express the maturity level of cotton fiber. The corresponding relationship between the cotton fiber maturity coefficient and the cavity width and wall thickness ratio is shown in Table 1-3. The maturity coefficient of normal mature fine-staple cotton is generally 1.5-2.0, and the maturity coefficient of low-grade cotton is below 1.4. Considering the spinning process and finished product quality, a maturity coefficient of 1.7-1.8 is ideal. The maturity coefficient of long-staple cotton is usually around 2.0, which is higher than that of fine-staple cotton. 2. Maturity ratio M The maturity ratio refers to the ratio of the actual thickness of the cotton fiber cell wall (referring to the ratio of the actual cross-sectional area of ​​the cotton fiber cell wall to the area of ​​a circle with the same circumference) and the standard thickness selected as 0.577. The greater the maturity ratio, the more mature the fiber is. Fibers with a maturity ratio below 0.8 are immature. 3. Mature fiber pile percentage P The mature fiber percentage refers to the percentage of the number of mature fiber roots to the total number of fiber roots in a test sample. Mature fibers refer to fibers that are well developed and have thick cell walls. After swelling with sodium hydroxide solution, the fibers become non-rotated. Immature fibers refer to poorly developed fibers with thin cell walls. After swelling with sodium hydroxide solution, the fibers become spiral or flat, and the fiber walls are thin and transparent. According to research, there is the following relationship between the maturity coefficient K, maturity ratio M and mature fiber percentage P:



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Author: clsrich
