Buy Fabric Fabric News Hygroscopic and quick-drying clothing sample labels for inspection are famous

Hygroscopic and quick-drying clothing sample labels for inspection are famous

In recent years, with the rise of fitness activities such as “Han Horse”, some clothing that is said to be “moisture-absorbent and quick-drying” has become …

In recent years, with the rise of fitness activities such as “Han Horse”, some clothing that is said to be “moisture-absorbent and quick-drying” has become a hot seller in the three towns. In order to help consumers understand the quality of this type of clothing, on February 23, this newspaper and the Wuhan Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau jointly invited “mystery shoppers” to purchase “moisture-absorbing and quick-drying” clothing in large stores in the city and submit it for inspection.

[Reveal] Functional descriptions are hidden in clothing labels

After examining the 10 pieces of clothing sampled this time one by one, experts from Wuhan Quality Inspection Institute said that in fact, the so-called moisture absorption and quick-drying are functional expressions of clothing. Some products clearly state on the label that they are quick-drying, some express hygroscopicity, and some say they are both quick-drying and hygroscopic. These three types of products are clearly stated on the label, which also represents the current type of clothing on the market. There are three types of clothing, namely moisture-absorbent clothing, quick-drying clothing, and moisture-absorbing quick-drying clothing.

However, consumers have also been deceived by merchants. Experts took out two samples for inspection and said that they did not have any explicit labels claiming to be hygroscopic or quick-drying, indicating that the sales staff sold the products to consumers without explicitly stating this. The so-called clothing with this function.
The expert took out another sample and said that this garment only stated in English that it had a quick-drying function. According to relevant national regulations, all instructions on clothing labels, including functions, should be expressed in Chinese. This approach of the manufacturer is also illegal. . In the actual test report, if the clothing label is unqualified, it can also be judged that the quality of the clothing is unqualified.
Experts said that businesses or manufacturers often claim that moisture absorption and quick drying can quickly dry and keep the human body dry. However, if the fabrics of these products do not have the function of absorbing human sweat, consumers will not only find it difficult to wear them during exercise after purchasing such products. If you sweat out in time, you will still feel stuffy and stuffy.

[Testing] The procedure takes 10 days to produce results
How to identify hygroscopicity and quick-drying properties? The country has recommended standards. At the Wuhan Quality Inspection Institute, the reporter saw this standard GB/T 21655.1-2008 “Evaluation of Moisture Absorption and Quick Drying of Textiles Part 1: Single Combination Test Method”. Experts from the institute said that this standard will also be used in this test.
This national standard requires that three indicators need to be tested for hygroscopicity, namely water absorption rate, drip diffusion time and wicking height; two indicators need to be tested for quick-drying, namely evaporation rate and moisture permeability.
Experts say that detection of these indicators is simple and easy, but time-consuming. The current testing time for 10 samples is about 10 days. Specifically, for water absorption, take 5 pieces of 10 cm by 10 cm samples from the sample clothes, weigh them first, take a cup of distilled water, and completely submerge the samples in the water, then take them out and put them on a rack to dry. Weigh again when dripping water, and subtract the two weights to get the ratio. The average ratio of the five sample pieces is the water absorption rate; for the dripping water diffusion time, also take samples of the same size, use a dropper to add a drop of 0.2 ml of distilled water, and then Use a stopwatch to measure the time for complete diffusion; for the wicking height, take a vertical strip sample of 30 cm long and 5 cm wide, fix the upper part on the bracket, and immerse the lower part in distilled water, and then time to see how high the water spreads upward within the specified time. , do this test 6 times. According to the warp and latitude of the textile, take 3 samples each of 3 warps and 3 wefts for testing; the evaporation rate, the previous process is similar to the drip diffusion time test, and the sample quality is measured every 5 minutes until 1 hours; as for moisture vapor permeability, anhydrous calcium chloride needs to be used after sampling. This is the only testing item that requires equipment.
Experts emphasize that all five indicators must be tested once before and after washing. According to national standards, all indicators before and after washing must meet the standard requirements before the product can be labeled with hygroscopicity, quick-drying, or Moisture absorbing and quick drying.
In January this year, the Municipal Consumer Council announced the results of a random inspection of moisture-absorbent and quick-drying clothing. It was found that 85.7% of moisture-absorbing and quick-drying clothing did not meet the national recommended standards. What is the quality of these moisture-absorbing and quick-drying garments that were purchased and sent for inspection by “mysterious shoppers” organized in Wuhan this time? This newspaper will continue to follow up the report.

Source: Chutian Golden News

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Author: clsrich
