Buy Fabric Fabric News Garment finishing quality control – buttonhole buttoning, ironing, decontamination

Garment finishing quality control – buttonhole buttoning, ironing, decontamination

After the sewing process is completed, clothing still needs to go through the finishing process before it can become a product. In the finishing process, the garments go through ke…

After the sewing process is completed, clothing still needs to go through the finishing process before it can become a product. In the finishing process, the garments go through keyholes, buttoning, washing, decontamination, ironing, inspection, and packaging. After ensuring that each piece of clothing is clean, flat, beautiful, and meets standards, it will be packed and ready for shipment. . The post-finishing process is the last link in clothing quality control. In this link, the last quality level needs to be controlled to prevent the emergence of substandard products and prevent the flow of substandard products. This is the purpose of post-finishing quality control.

The key to quality control in the post-finishing process is to ensure the appearance quality of the clothing, especially the cleanliness and smoothness of the clothing. This article focuses on the three steps of clothing buttonhole fastening, ironing, and stain removal.

1Quality control of nail locking process

The quality requirements for buttonhole buttons are accurate positioning, firm buttonholes, corresponding buttons and eye positions, no threads coming out of the buttonholes, and no lint on the base fabric. The size of the eyelet opening is appropriate. Make sure there are at least 6 threads in each buttonhole. No less than two tops and two bottoms can be sewn. When the fabric is thicker, the stitching thread needs to be wrapped with a high leg. The height of the stitching should be adapted to the thickness of the seam. The thread ends of the stitching should not be exposed. The metal buttons are complete and have no rust or discoloration. The snap buttons are firm and the force required to open them is appropriate.

In order to ensure that the button eye position is accurate during the locking process, the corresponding position of the garment piece should be positioned in advance. The locking nail equipment is used for reasonable debugging, and the width of the eye-opening blade is adapted to the diameter of the buckle. At present, we have complete equipment for all types of keyholes and buttons, and different button types are suitable for different buttoning equipment. If the buttons require manual fastening, the number of sewing threads in the buttonhole must be ensured, and the sewing thread must be inserted into the buttonhole no less than twice when fastening. Thicker fabrics and thicker buttonholes require round head buttonhole equipment.

Pay attention to the direction of the buttonhole

Shirt buttonholes are opened horizontally at the collar and sleeve slits, and longitudinally at the placket and sleeve slits. Generally, a flat-head buttonhole machine is used;

The buttonholes on the placket of the suit jacket are horizontal, and a round-head buttonhole machine is used, with the round head positioned on the side close to the seam;

The buttonholes on the back pockets of trousers and skirts are vertical. When the buttons are small and thin, you can use a flat buttonhole machine.

2Quality control of ironing process

The garment ironing process is the process of styling the garments. For suits and coats, there is a saying of “three-quarter ironing for seven-minute ironing”. This type of clothing has professional ironing equipment for the collar, sleeves, shoulders, chest, back, and hem. The ironing after passing through will give the fabric and garment Shape into shape for a crisp look. The general requirements for ironing quality are smoothness, no yellowing or water stains, smooth shoulders, flat collar, firm chest, and smooth back.

Ironing quality control requires coordination of ironing temperature, pressure and steam, and debugging appropriate parameter indicators. Suit coats must be ironed using ironing equipment to achieve the desired effect. Knitted clothing has relatively low requirements for ironing, while woven products rely heavily on ironing. Ironing can give the product a neat and straight appearance. In addition to the ironing in the finishing process, it is also necessary to do the intermediate ironing in the sewing process.

3Quality control of decontamination treatment

During the production process, clothing will produce some positioning marks, threads, lint and other pollutants. Especially for woolen clothing and cotton clothing, the filler debris in the processing is often adsorbed to the clothing fabric. In order to keep the clothing clean and beautiful, it is necessary to The entire process must be done on the clothing after decontamination.

Clothing standards require that no dead threads (threads connected to clothing) should be left on clothing, and consumers are not willing to see residual threads on the inside and outside of clothing. Clothing companies will do thread cleaning and cutting work. In addition to manual thread cutting, there are also professional equipment that suctions air to cut threads and suction threads. The lint adsorbed on the clothing can be removed with suction equipment or with decontamination tape. Soap powder marks on clothing can be eliminated during high-temperature ironing later.

There are also some types of clothing pollution that are not necessarily produced during production, but are man-made pollution caused by poor on-site management. Some of these pollutions need to be eliminated through washing. To eradicate such stains, we should start from the source and do a good job of 6S work on site.

The post-finishing process has relatively low skill requirements for employees, but this process requires employees to be careful and highly dependent on locking nails and ironing equipment.

The copyright of this article belongs to the Garment Production Management Course Group of Zhongyuan Institute of Technology and the author

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Author: clsrich
