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What is photocatalysis?

光触媒[PHOTOCATALYSIS]是光[Photo=”Light]” + 触媒(催化剂)[catalyst]的合成词� Photocatalyst is a substance that does not change itself under the irradiation of light, but can promote c…

光触媒[PHOTOCATALYSIS]是光[Photo=”Light]” + 触媒(催化剂)[catalyst]的合成词� Photocatalyst is a substance that does not change itself under the irradiation of light, but can promote chemical reactions. Photocatalyst uses the light energy existing in nature to convert into the energy required for chemical reactions to produce catalysis, causing the surrounding oxygen and Water molecules are excited into free negative ions with great oxidizing power �几乎可分解所有对人体和环境有害的有机物质及部分无机物质,不仅能加速反应,亦能运用自然界的定侓,不造成资源浪费与附加污染形成� �具代表性的例子为植物的”光合作用”,吸收对动物有毒之二氧化碳,利用光能转化为氧气及水� �</p

光触媒于1967年被当时还是东京大学研究生的藤岛昭教授发现。在一次试验中对放入水中的氧化钛单结晶进行了光线照射,结果发现水被分解成了氧和氢。这一效果作为“本多·藤岛效果”(Honda-Fujishima Effect)而闻名于世,该名称组合了藤岛教授和当时他的指导教师—-东京工艺大学校长本多健一的名字。

  由于是借助光的力量促进氧化分解反应,因此后来将这一现象中的氧化钛称作光触媒� This phenomenon is equivalent to converting light energy into chemical energy. In the context of the oil crisis at that time, the world’s expectations for finding new energy sources were very high. Therefore, this technology attracted attention as an epoch-making method for extracting hydrogen from water. However, Since it is difficult to extract a large amount of hydrogen in a short period of time, the development of new energy cannot be realized, so it cooled down quickly after being a sensation. �</p


An object with a length of 10-6 meters is called a micrometer (Micrometer; “u” has been adopted as an International System of Units symbol instead of “μ” to represent 10-6.), and a length of 10-9 meters is called a nanometer (Nanometer; nm ) �各种应用材料也将由微米逐渐进入纳米时代� �纳米材料由晶粒1~100nm大小的粒子所组成� �粒径极为微细,具有极大的比表面积,且随着粒径的减少,表面原子百分比提高� �在表面上由于大量原子配位的不完全而引起高表面能的现象� �表面能量占全能量的比例大幅提高,使纳米材料具吸附、光吸收、熔点变化等特性� Utilizing the technology and characteristics of nano-ultrafine particles, we have developed a material that does not participate in the reaction at all, but can promote and increase the reaction energy. The catalyst technology to catalyze the target reaction has been used in environmental cleaning to accelerate the reaction of harmful or toxic substances. Become a stable and harmless substance to achieve environmental protection effect �纳米材料比表面积研究是非常重要的,纳米材料比表面积检测数据只有采用BET方法检测出来的结果才是真实可靠的,国内目前有很多仪器只能做直接对比法的检测,现在国内也被淘汰了� At present, the multi-point BET method is used for specific surface area testing at home and abroad. The specific surface area measurement standards formulated at home and abroad are based on the BET test method. Please refer to my country’s national standard (GB/T 19587-2004) – Gas adsorption BET principle. Method for determining the specific surface area of ​​solid substances Specific surface area detection is actually a relatively time-consuming task. Due to the different adsorption capabilities of the samples, the testing of some samples may take a whole day. If the testing process is not fully automated, the testers will not be able to leave at all times, and must Highly concentrated, observing the instrument panel and operating the knobs. A little inattention will lead to the failure of the test process, which will waste a lot of valuable time of the tester. The F-Sorb 2400 specific surface area tester is an instrument that can truly realize the BET method detection function (both with direct comparison method). More importantly, the F-Sorb 2400 specific surface area tester is the only fully automated and intelligent specific surface area detection equipment in China so far. , its test results are highly consistent with international standards and have good stability, while reducing human errors and improving the accuracy of test results. �</p


Photocatalytic reaction of photocatalyst</p

The role of photocatalyst</p

  抗菌性:杀灭大肠杆菌、金�Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae,




  防霉防藻:防止发霉、防止藻类的产生, 防止水垢的附着。


Characteristics of photocatalyst</p

1. Security</p


2. Persistence</p


Article source: China Photocatalysis Network

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Author: clsrich
