Buy Fabric Fabric News Why do pure cashmere sweaters pill easily? Is there any way to eliminate it?

Why do pure cashmere sweaters pill easily? Is there any way to eliminate it?

为什么纯羊绒的毛衣容易起球?有什么办法可以消除? 如何防止绒线织物起球? 起球是绒线制品的共性� During the wearing and use of velvet fabrics, the short fibers protruding from the surface of the fabric are easy to tangle into ba…


起球是绒线制品的共性� During the wearing and use of velvet fabrics, the short fibers protruding from the surface of the fabric are easy to tangle into balls, affecting the appearance and causing felting. Especially high-end products have a need for close fit, softness and smoothness, which will increase this tendency and cause pilling. It is related to the performance of raw materials, spinning and dyeing and finishing processes, weaving structure, and wearing methods. �原料与纺纱、染色对起球的影响很复杂,其机理尚在探讨中,过分追求抗起球对毛线产品风格和品质有负面影响,所以专家建议消费者:<br /
2. The inner and outer clothing of the sweater should be smooth when wearing<br /
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■How to prevent pilling when washing sweaters:<br /
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■Sweater trimmer:<br /
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换季了,我们又开始把毛衣、外套等衣物拿出来了。发现很多衣服都起了毛球怎么办呢!用毛球修剪器吧!它能有效去除各种顽固的毛球。它的使用方法简单,不损伤面料。球的根据毛衣厚度的不同,它分为高、中、低三个档次任您选择。现在拥有它的主人只要给它吃电电 就可以让你的起球球衣衣涣然一新!还带有储屑盒装置,既卫生又方便。有充电的毛球修剪器 在也不用你跑超市买电池了……
[Styling] There is an extra power interface, which is more convenient to use and saves money on buying batteries<br /
【Size】: About 15cm in length<br /
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■Analysis of the causes of fluffing and pilling in sweaters:<br /
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The mechanism of pilling is: during the processing of wool yarn and the wearing process of sweaters, under the action of various external forces such as friction and pulling force, the wool fibers in the wool yarn are easy to hook out to form a ring or single-head detachment shape. After repeated After friction, the wool fibers become tangled together and form a ball. The degree of pilling mainly depends on:<br /
1. Product materials<br /
2.Spinning process control<br /
The spinning method, fiber properties and yarn twist determine how much fiber protrudes from the yarn surface. Products spun from low-count wool often see thick and hard cavity hairs mixed with the yarn surface. Such products are prone to cracking. ball �<br /
3. Fabric structure<br /
Sweater products are knitted products. The density of the fabric and the tightness of the coil structure also have an impact on the pilling of the sweater. Fabrics with a smooth and smooth surface, such as jersey fabrics and ribbed fabrics, have better anti-pilling properties than fabrics with rough surfaces. Flat fabric structures such as fat floral fabrics and striped fabrics have strong �<br /
4. Washing methods and wearing<br /
The washing method of sweaters is sometimes an important reason for fluffing and pilling. Products that are not marked as "machine washable" must be washed with "careful hand washing". Do not put them in the washing machine just to save trouble, because in the washing machine Under the strong action of the product, the friction intensifies, causing fluffing and pilling. �一般情况下,肘部、两肋处摩擦起球较为显著� �<br /
From a certain point of view, pilling is the "twin" of all-wool products. In order to reduce pilling, in addition to strictly controlling the materials used, our factory also adopts our own spinning production process to weave products. It has formed its own unique production process and finishing process, so Vilma products rarely have pilling. �<br /
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起球是绒线制品的共性� During the wearing and use of velvet fabrics, the short fibers protruding from the surface of the fabric are easy to tangle into balls, affecting the appearance and causing felting. Especially high-end products have a need for close fit, softness and smoothness, which will increase this tendency and cause pilling. It has to do with raw material performance, spinning and dyeing and finishing processes, weaving structure, and wearing methods.��. The influence of raw materials, spinning and dyeing on pilling is very complex, and the mechanism is still under discussion, and excessive pursuit of anti-pilling
It has a negative impact on the style and quality of wool products, so experts recommend consumers:<br /
1、 采用细支羊毛绒线(羊绒型)、丝光绒线、天丝系列绒线编织时应适当的增加编结密度,少编织花型结构。
2. The inside and outside of the sweater should be smooth when wearing<br /
3、 勤拆洗,一般2-3年重新编结一次,洗涤时用中性洗涤剂或皂粉,水温50℃以下,不要搓拧,平摊晾干。
4、 有特殊抗起球需求,则建议购买混纺和粗长羊毛纺制的纯毛绒线。
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■Maintenance of cashmere sweaters:<br /
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The fineness, length, and curl of cashmere fiber are important process characteristics. Compared with Australian wool, cashmere has smaller fineness, shorter length, and fewer curls. As a result, the fiber cohesion in the yarn is smaller, and the exposed hairiness is more. In addition, the fiber Slippery wax slips from the fabric under the action of external force, causing lint and pilling. �<br /
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Compared with wool, cashmere fiber has smaller shrinkage and friction coefficient, and the friction resistance between fibers is reduced. However, due to the scale structure of cashmere fiber, cashmere is easily spun from fabrics that are pure or blended with wool. slip out when the fiber The aggregate is affected by non-directional external force, and the fibers that are forced against the scales tend to move toward the roots, causing lint loss. Due to the spine locks between the scales and the elasticity of the fiber body, the fibers are intertwined, tangled and pilled, which also causes Felt shrinkage unique to animal fibers �<br /
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In addition, in recent years, the price of cashmere has risen rapidly, and the processing of cashmere has developed rapidly. Lured by considerable profits, cashmere processing companies from all over the country have launched one after another. However, because some cashmere processing companies do not have good equipment and environment, they lack quality. Guarantee system, a large number of fibers are damaged during the processing, reducing the fiber length, producing short fibers that are harmful to yarn quality and wearing performance, greatly reducing the grade of the product, causing serious lint pilling after wearing the cashmere sweater. �<br /
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1、羊绒制品穿着时,要注意保持清洁� Cashmere underwear should be gently folded frequently to remove dust. Cashmere jackets can be gently brushed with a soft-bristled electrostatic brush in the direction of the hair head to remove dust, prevent moths from lurking and destroying, and make the plush submit �另外羊绒制品沾上污渍要及时洗涤� �<br /
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When cashmere products are lightly soiled, first pour neutral detergent (shampoo, dishwasher, or cashmere sweater-specific detergent) into warm water at about 30°C. Stir the detergent evenly, then put in the clothes, and use Gently pat it with your hands. If cashmere products are stained with dye, they must be sent to a dry cleaner for special treatment and washing. �<br /
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后将羊绒制品铺平,用120℃-140℃的蒸���For ironing, the iron should not be in direct contact with cashmere products. Cashmere products can be laid flat to dry after shaping.

Source: Baidu

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Author: clsrich
