Buy Fabric Fabric News Women’s sports bra with real-time heart rate voice reporting function

Women’s sports bra with real-time heart rate voice reporting function

2015年11月13日,深圳市智游人科技(以下简称“智游人科技”)发布了国内首个专为运动女性量身打造的智能运动产品——律动智能运动内衣(LDSmartSportBra)。该款内衣具备运动期间实时心率语音播报功能,为国内首创,填补了国内市场上的空白。来自投资界、产业界、IT界等各界嘉宾以及多位运动达人参加了该发布会,近距离体会了智游人科技带来的创新改变。   …


  发布会现场,智游人科技的创始人Steven详细讲解了该产品的各项功能� “Compared with similar products at home and abroad, the biggest feature of Rhythm Smart Sports Bra is its real-time heart rate voice broadcast,” said Steven. “We have observed and studied female sports groups and deeply discovered the needs of women for sports. This sports bra is Tailored to the characteristics of women’s sports, whether running or cycling. Whether indoors or outdoors, the Rhythm Smart Sports Bra allows athletes to exercise scientifically throughout the entire process. While providing safe and comfortable protection for the chest, the underwear measures the athlete’s heart rate and pace in real time, and broadcasts it through real-time voice, like a personal fitness coach. , providing advice to athletes during exercise.”</p

It is understood that this underwear integrates a high-precision 3D sensor and a heart rate sensor, adopts the industry’s most accurate heart rate detection algorithm, and provides stable heart rate output within seconds, combined with industry-leading step counting data with an accuracy of plus or minus 3%. Continuously monitor the user’s heart rate with comprehensive and accurate data It tracks and provides real-time voice reminders and suggestions, allowing users to know which range their heart rate is in during exercise – fast fat burning (moderate intensity), aerobic exercise (high intensity) or strenuous exercise (extreme intensity). Help users implement exercise plans reasonably and effectively achieve fitness goals �同时,软件界面呈现出专业而直观的心率变化和节奏,用户的每一次运动轨迹、每公里配速、有氧燃脂率、心率节奏等数据都能一目了然� �而且,该内衣的静电感应不受运动出汗影响,电池也可续航36个小时� �软件中还特别设计了商城管理系统,其运动积分兑换及一键新品推送功能,将传统企业推到了客户面前,贴心的为企业的再次销售提供新的商机� �</p



  Steven表示,智游人科技这次推出的律动智能运动内衣,只是他们即将推出的系列可穿戴智能产品之一� “In today’s mobile Internet era, the biggest problem for traditional enterprises is how to respond to new consumption concepts and rapid changes in user needs. We have contacted a large number of traditional enterprises, and they have spent a lot of effort in their respective fields to establish their own product brands, Strong distribution channels, and we also understand the problems they face. We hope that traditional companies can see that entering Internet+ is not a problem. Difficult thing. In the future, we will continue to be committed to providing integrated products and software and hardware solutions for traditional manufacturers in the two major fields of sports and health. We welcome more companies to cooperate with us to explore various possibilities and help all traditional companies Step into Internet+ and continue to show your glory in the field of mobile Internet and even the future Internet of Things!”</p

Ms. Li, a sports expert, said excitedly: “This underwear is amazing! As a girl, in addition to fitness, the main purpose of exercise is to lose weight. When I usually run, I don’t know the relationship between heart rate and fat burning, and I can’t control the heart rate. Maybe It also caused harm to the body. Now it’s better. This underwear can broadcast my heart rate in real time, like a personal fitness coach, always reminding me to control my heart rate. It’s great! I want to buy one from them right away. ”

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Author: clsrich
