Buy Fabric Fabric News How to clean the quilt core if it is dirty? How to clean the quilt if it is too big?

How to clean the quilt core if it is dirty? How to clean the quilt if it is too big?

Quilt is an indispensable bedding to keep out the cold in winter. With it, you don’t have to worry about the low temperature in the room. If you find stains on the quilt during use…

Quilt is an indispensable bedding to keep out the cold in winter. With it, you don’t have to worry about the low temperature in the room. If you find stains on the quilt during use, How to deal with it? Many people probably don’t know much about this yet. Let’s take a look at How to clean a quilt core that is dirty, How to clean a quilt that is too big, >Can the quilt be washed in a washing machine? (Recommended reading: What material is good for a quilt?)

How to wash the quilt core if it is dirty

1. How to wash the quilt core if it is dirty

After all, quilt cores are not like ordinary clothes that can be thrown into the washing machine. In fact, in order to remove stains Use rice water and orange peel to cleanse. The specific operation is to boil the orange peel with rice water, filter it onto gauze after cooking, drain most of the water, then wrap the orange peel with paper towels to cover the yellow stained area on the quilt, and rub it locally to restore whiteness. . In addition, lemon juice can also be used to clean the quilt core. Soak the yellowed areas on the quilt with lemon juice, and then rub it clean.

2. How to clean the quilt that is too big

1. The quilt is very big and difficult to clean. It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task to do it daringly. So is there any way to save energy? Everyone first prepares a larger black plastic bag, folds the quilt and puts it in, drains the air out of the bag, seals it tightly, and then puts it under the sun for a few hours. We use the principle of the black bag to absorb heat. Bacteria can be killed at a high temperature of about 50 degrees. After taking it out, the odor and bacteria of the quilt will be eliminated.

How to clean the quilt that is too big

2. The second method is to prepare a cup, pour white wine, white vinegar and toilet water into it, in a ratio of three to one, and stir evenly , pour the prepared liquid into the watering can, and after spreading the quilt, spray the prepared liquid evenly on the quilt, and wipe it with a rag, so that the quilt can be cleaned very clean.

3. Can the quilt be washed in a washing machine

No matter what kind of material the quilt is made of, it is not recommended to wash it in the washing machine. This will cause deformation and the thermal insulation effect will be inferior. But if the quilt is an air-conditioned quilt, and it says it can be washed, then it can be washed. If it doesn’t, or it says it can’t be washed, don’t wash it, otherwise the quilt will be damaged after washing. The internal filling material in the quilt is natural cotton or silk and cannot be directly put into the washing machine for washing and dehydration.

Can the quilt be washed in a washing machine?

The above is the relevant content about how to wash the quilt core when it is dirty. I hope it will be helpful to everyone! , China’s well-known large-scale decoration platform and leading decoration brand. If you want to put some thought into decoration and design, it is recommended that you apply for professional design services. Professional designers can help you plan a reasonable space layout and exquisite design through on-site room measurement.

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Author: clsrich
