Buy Fabric Fabric News Tips for cleaning mattresses to keep mites out of your mattress

Tips for cleaning mattresses to keep mites out of your mattress

If there are children, they may urinate at any time to wet the mattress, and adults’ sweat will also stay on The mattress will be dirty, so how should the mattress be cleaned…

If there are children, they may urinate at any time to wet the mattress, and adults’ sweat will also stay on The mattress will be dirty, so how should the mattress be cleaned? Next, the editor will introduce to you Tips for cleaning mattresses so that the bed will not retain mites.

1. Mattress cleaning – remove stains caused by colored drinks

Although we cannot completely remove such stains, using citrus cleaner or vinegar can reduce the degree of stains. Most beverage stains can be dissolved in medical alcohol. , but alcohol can also spread stains, so use an absorbent cloth dipped in alcohol to wipe the stain rather than pouring the alcohol directly on.

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2. Mattress Cleaning – Remove Urine Stains and Urine Odor

First of all, we must soak the remaining urine as dry as possible, and use a cleaning agent specifically designed to remove urine stains, spray it on the stained area and Dip dry. Then wait until it is dry, sprinkle baking soda powder on the stained area, and then use a vacuum cleaner to clean it overnight.

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3. Mattress Cleaning – Remove Mildew

The formation of mildew spots is mainly due to excessive moisture. Find a sunny day, take the mattress outside to dry it thoroughly, and then wipe off the remaining mildew spots.

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The above is the relevant knowledge about mattress cleaning tips that the editor has shared with you. I hope it will be useful to you. Helps. If you want to know more about mattress cleaning, please stay tuned. Get a quotation in 10 seconds and get four sets of design plans*, as well as full tracking service by a decoration butler, so hurry up!

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Author: clsrich
