Down pillow core

How to wash the pillow core if it is dirty? This way of cleaning is healthier

Pillows are the bedding that have been with us for the longest time. Many people change their pillows very rarely and usually just clean the pillowcases, then How to wash the pillo…

Memory pillow to help you sleep

​Seven types of pillows to help you sleep Are you still suffering from insomnia?

With the increase of social pressure, many people are suffering from insomnia symptoms, so choose a pillow that can help sleepIt’s a very necessary thing. Whatpillows can help you …

Baby mattress purchasing tips

Complete analysis of baby mattresses. Have you chosen the right baby mattress for your home?

When preparing mattresses for their babies, many parents rely on the recommendations of shopping mall guides, but when it comes to baby mattresses , many people don’t know much abo…

Introduction to quilt cover fabrics: satin fabrics

Which quilt cover fabric is best? Introduction to quilt cover fabrics

We use quilt covers every night, so the choice of quilt cover is very important. The choice of quilt cover mainly depends on the fabric. So which kind of quilt cover fabric is bett…

A little knowledge about the choice of quilt count

Little knowledge about quilt count. It turns out that count is so important

When many people choose a quilt cover, they usually only pay attention to whether it is pure cotton fabric and whether the pattern and color are in line with their taste, but there…

Tips for cleaning old coarse sheets after washing

Tips for cleaning old coarse cloth sheets. This way there is no damage.

Many people who pursue traditional style will choose old coarse cloth sheets. But regarding the Techniques for cleaning old coarse cloth sheets, I believe not many people know abou…

The color of bed sheets should be particular*

​The color of bed sheets is very particular. What color is good for bed sheets?

When choosing bed sheets, many people choose colors according to their own preferences. In fact, some people know that in addition to visual effects, color can also affect psycholo…


Introduction to pillow shape: bone-shaped pillow

What shape of pillow is good? Introduction to five pillow shapes

Now as people’s needs increase, the shapes of pillows are gradually increasing, so many consumers have to askWhat shape of pillow is good? ? Pillows vary from person to perso…

Reveal the product features of Luolai Home Textiles

Revealing the secrets of Luolai Home Textiles, things you don’t know about Luolai Home Textiles

Among the bedding products, Luolai Home Textiles is one of the more well-known. Do consumers really understand Luolai Home Textiles? Most people only have superficial knowledge fro…

Features of Aimeng mattress introduction

How about Aimeng mattress? Introduction to Aimeng mattress

As there are more and more mattress brands, it is becoming more and more difficult for people to choose because they do not know enough about each brand. Today I would like to reco…
