Comparison of latex pillows and memory pillows

Memory pillow and latex pillow: how to choose?

Memory pillow is a popular type of pillow nowadays. It is made of memory foam material, has good protective and breathable properties, and is loved and respected by many middle-age…


床垫什么样的好 *在这里

我们都知道想要睡的香,床垫一定要选好,那么如何才能拥有好的睡眠质量?床垫什么样的好呢?今天小编就向大家介绍好床垫的标准,下面就让我们一起来看看,对黑眼圈永远Say Goodbye。 一、床垫软硬度 床垫什么样的好?软硬适中的好。选择床垫时必须根据我们的身高、睡姿、体重、睡眠习惯来选择床垫的软硬度,如果床垫太软会对腰部起不到支撑作用,这样的床垫容易对你的腰部造…

Purchase of water mattress

What do you know about water mattresses?

When it comes to mattresses, everyone is familiar with it, but have you heard of water mattress? At present, the evaluation of water mattresses is also controversial. Below, the ed…

Three functions of buckwheat pillow

How effective are buckwheat pillows?

In our country, many elderly people are used to preparing buckwheat pillows for their children, because buckwheat pillows are beneficial to the development of head shape, but The e…


清洗羽绒枕 这技能你get到了吗

羽绒枕是现在非常受欢迎的床上用品,但它的缺点不耐脏也成为消费者避而远之的因素,那么清洗羽绒枕是否像传说中的那么困难呢?清洗羽绒枕需注意哪些事项呢?下面我们一起来看看羽绒枕的清洗方法与清洗注意事项。 清洗羽绒枕 一、手洗羽绒枕 1、方法 步骤一、泡 手洗羽绒枕*重要的步骤就是泡,因为要保证羽绒枕形状不改变,对于顽固污渍*有效的方法就是浸泡。首先把枕头放在冷水里…

How can a pillow made of such material help you sleep peacefully?

Everyone knows that the height, hardness, and size of pillows will affect sleep. In fact, according to research, the material of pillows is the main factor affecting sleep. The edi…

Support high pillow

Debate on whether a higher pillow is better or a lower pillow is better

According to statistics, insomniacs in China account for more than 35% of the total population. Pillows have a great impact on sleep, so higher pillows are better Or is it betterto…


*Materials to kill mites

People can get rid of mites even if they are too lazy to dry themselves under the covers!

Due to limitations of weather and living conditions, many people are unable to dry their quilts in time, but they are also afraid of the consequences of not drying their quilts. Th…

The dangers of not drying the quilt

Not drying the quilt is equivalent to sleeping with insects?

If you don’t dry your quilt for 3 months, 6 million mites will sleep with you. This sentence is not alarmist. Many people refuse due to various reasons. Examining the quilt, but if…

Three misunderstandings about sunbathing

Three major misunderstandings about drying your quilt, please fix them quickly

Not drying the quilt is very harmful, but showing the quilt is the wrong way, so it is better not to dry it. According to the survey, many people have fallen into the Misunderstand…
