In the future, your clothes will be your power bank
经常在为手机没电烦恼?嫌充电宝很重很麻烦?在未来,这一切都不再成为烦恼。将来有一天你可以直接用自己的衣服给手机等智能设备充电。下面就跟着小编一起来一探究竟吧! 摩擦电发电有广阔的应用前景,比如收集人们日常活动中产生的能量,给各种便携式电子设备供电。新来自韩国和澳大利亚的研究者称,未来将会出现一种质地柔软耐久的可充电衣服。它可以通过收集由人体活动所造成的静…

First bio-based polyurethane textile coating launched
拜耳材料科技正陆续以Impranil®生态材料这一品牌名,推出一系列水性生物基聚氨酯(PU)分散体� �这种材料的可再生成分含量高达65%,因此该系列产品可进一步降低二氧化碳排放量,从而再度改善水性PU材料的可持续性� Bayer MaterialScience demonstrated this at the European Coatings Exhib…

Several main factors affecting reactive turquoise dyeing
Analysis of influencing factors of reactive emerald blue dyeing</p 前言:针对活性翠蓝染料,探讨了影响其染色的各个因素。由于活性翠蓝染料分子量大、直接性高,所以不易染均匀,且易出现色渍、色花、色牢度不高等问题。 Therefore, you should choose a dye wit…

Linen fabric is good, but what’s so good about it?
Many people know that linen is a good material, but few people explain clearly what the benefits of linen are. There are also many benefits of wearing linen clothes. Linen clothes …

Application research of fluorine-free waterproofing agent
</p Deco Nano Business Unit, 510663</p –Editor: Xie Fang ()</p </p Abstract: This article introduces the basic properties, basic principles, safety and environmen…

The 10th China Antibacterial Industry Development Conference
The 10th China Antibacterial Industry Development Conference will be held at Zhijiang Hotel, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province from November 5th to 7th, 2015 (registration on the 5th). I…

Newly distributed fire protection standard EN45545 in Europe
The new fire protection standards EN45545 and EN45545-1, newly distributed by European railways, give general definitions, vehicle structure classifications, fire protection system…

Applications and future development directions of intumescent flame retardants
Application and future development direction of intumescent flame retardants</p 膨胀型阻燃剂的应用及未来发展方向。膨胀型阻燃剂一般应用于纤维和织物中主要是通过以下两种方式: The first is to prepare the flame retardant into a…

Application of fabric flame retardants in flame retardant curtains and flame retardant blankets
Application of fabric flame retardants in flame retardant curtains and flame retardant blankets</p 面料阻燃剂应用在窗帘上起到了一定的防火作用。窗帘是由纤维面料组成的,容易起火燃烧,燃烧速度快容易易燃其他可燃物,从而使火灾更难扑灭。 用面料阻燃剂处理过的窗…

Factors affecting light fastness and solutions
Overview of sun fastness</p 日晒牢度指有颜色的织物受日光作用变色的程度,也称耐光色牢度。 The test method can be either exposed to the sun or exposed to a sun machine, that is, the sample is placed with a set…