Marine trash “transforms” into high-end fashion

Marine trash “transforms” into high-end fashion

在西班牙东部的比利亚霍约萨,一支传统的渔船队伍徜徉在蔚蓝的地中海中,捕捉墨鱼、海虾、海鱼,以及塑料瓶。   自今年7月以来,西班牙的渔船一直在大海中打捞废弃的塑料,西班牙公司Ecoalf利用渔民打捞的废弃物制作高档服装。“我们希望成为利用海底垃圾制作时装的第一家公司。”45岁的Ecoalf公司总裁哈维尔·戈耶尼契亚(JavierGoyeneche)说。   …

What is zinc oxide?  Can it be used as an antibacterial agent?

What is zinc oxide? Can it be used as an antibacterial agent?

氧化锌是一种著名的白色的颜料,俗名叫锌白。它的优点是遇到H2S气体不变黑,因为ZnS也是白色的。在加热时,ZnO由白、浅黄逐步变为柠檬黄色,当冷却后黄色便退去,利用这一特性,把它掺入油漆或加入温度计中,做成变色油漆或变色温度计。因ZnO有收敛性和一定的杀菌能力,在医药上常调制成软膏使用,ZnO还可用作催化剂。 氧化锌抗菌剂是一种新型功能的无机抗菌材料,在磁、…

Clothing containing malic acid

Clothing containing malic acid

近,日本大阪的化学材料公司帝人宣布,他们开发出了一种可以滋润皮肤的内衣,称之为“穿在身上的化妆品”。 这是基于日本《医药品医疗机器法》中,首款被归为“化妆品”类的功能性内衣。作为推向市场的第一步,帝人的子公司帝人Frontier将于日本户外用品商Descente合作,在明年春夏季用其制作瑜伽、跑步等运动服装。 这种聚酯纤维含有苹果酸,能让肌肤PH值保持平衡。…

Graphene, the “King of Materials” that is popular around the world

Graphene, the “King of Materials” that is popular around the world

一件看似普通的背心,摸上去却有温度� �细看,这发热服饰的奥妙全在背心夹层里的一片透明的薄膜上� “This is not a warm baby, but graphene. We are the first in the world to produce a graphene heating film.” Feng Guanpin…

Would you buy clothes that can help you lose weight?

Would you buy clothes that can help you lose weight?

12月22日,据国外媒体报道,许多不堪肥胖困扰的人很容易成为骗子欺骗的对象,减肥药、节食、健身工具等减肥手段也多不起作用。现在,加拿大一家初创企业正在研发新式智能衣物,它们可以通过“窃听你的新陈代谢”欺骗身体燃烧脂肪,以达到减肥的目的。   拥有多伦多大学神经学和心理学学位的运动员、薄冰智能服装创始人亚当·波林(AdamPaulin)设计出的新式服装可欺骗身…

Test methods for anti-siphoning of fabrics

Test methods for anti-siphoning of fabrics

适用于各类防水皮类、革类和网布类等;用于各类防水鞋带、织带;用于各类线类。 </p Test equipment:</p 防虹吸测试仪;直尺;红墨水。 </p Sampling requirements:</p 1. Leather, mesh: 76*25MM</p 2. Shoelaces and webbing: 76*w…

Characteristics of nylon 6.6 and its application in functional fabrics

Characteristics of nylon 6.6 and its application in functional fabrics

Nylon (polyamide/PA), commonly known as nylon, is a chemical fiber commonly used in functional fabrics. It has many excellent physical properties, such as elasticity, high strength…


Where do the various banned chemicals in textile materials come from?

Where do the various banned chemicals in textile materials come from?

<section style="margin: 10px 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; word-wrap: break-word !important;" <section style="margin: 0px; paddin…

Pure cotton≠cotton

Pure cotton≠cotton

Many textile people think that pure cotton and 100% cotton are the same. In fact, there are certain differences between pure cotton and 100% cotton. So which one is better, pure co…

The principles and uses of cool fabrics

The principles and uses of cool fabrics

原理:凉感面料通过吸收热量来调节温度,凉爽因子给人的皮肤一种凉爽的舒适感。凉感面料分为:涤纶凉感面料和尼龙凉感面料。​ </p Usage: Cool-feeling fabrics are suitable for underwear fabrics, shirt fabrics, bedding fabrics, mountaineering cl…
