The difference between cotton polyester and polyester cotton

The difference between cotton polyester and polyester cotton

Polyester-cotton refers to polyester-cotton blended fabrics, which are made of polyester as the main component. Polyester-cotton blended fabrics are made of polyester as the main c…

Standards for breathability and waterproofness of clothing materials

Standards for breathability and waterproofness of clothing materials

What are breathability and waterproofness</p Breathability/waterproofness is largely related to the comfort of outdoor leisure activities</p </p Breathability</p 不透气或透气…

Waterproof fabric with antistatic properties

Waterproof fabric with antistatic properties

  对防水面料各种功能性的测试方法及评价指标应当有明确的要求,避免消费者在购买的过程中被误导和欺骗� It is recommended that standard-setting units introduce and improve relevant standards as soon as possible. On the one hand, it w…

The origin and principle of quick-drying fabrics

The origin and principle of quick-drying fabrics

The origin of quick drying: </p The so-called quick-drying is actually a literal translation of the English QUICK-DRY or DRY-EASY and other similar words, and quick-drying means…

Water-absorbent and quick-drying fabric

Water-absorbent and quick-drying fabric

生产的吸湿排汗抗静电面料具有耐久的吸水排汗性能和防静电能力,可以协助排汗,将汗水和湿气迅速带到衣物表面,并能加速蒸发,让人体保持凉爽舒适的感觉。吸湿排汗抗静电整理面料有多种面料品种,如棉、涤/棉、涤纶、尼龙、毛/涤等织物。它能同时赋予织物下列优异性能: </p 1. Sweat absorption and breathability: Fabrics…

Guide to selecting and using quick-drying clothing

Guide to selecting and using quick-drying clothing

 快干衬衫和快干裤是很多人夏季户外活动的首选,这里就谈谈我自己使用快干衣物的一点体会。 ​</p 1. The origin of quick-drying clothes: </p The so-called “quick-drying” is actually a literal translation of simi…

Antibacterial product testing methods and standards

Antibacterial product testing methods and standards

</p 近年来,国内抗菌行业的专家与学者的也做了大量探索,促进了国内抗菌产业的发展,并制定了相关的标准。如FZ/T 01021-1992<织物抗菌性能试验方法>、GB15975-1995<一次性使用卫生用品卫生标准>及<消毒技术规范>等。 检测抗菌性能的抗菌制品一般分为三大类型:第一种为抗菌纺织品,第二种为抗菌塑料,第三种为抗菌陶瓷� �其中的检测方法…


Brief analysis of antibacterial agents

Brief analysis of antibacterial agents

What is antibacterial?</p 近来抗菌这个名词常常出现在各种媒体和人们的言谈中,它是人们近年来对生活环境舒适及清洁的需要而产生的新词汇,不是专业用语。我们对它作如下解释: 1. Resistance and killing of bacteria living in the living environment; </p 2…

How does nano-silver technology work on antibacterial fabrics?

How does nano-silver technology work on antibacterial fabrics?

纳米银颗粒可以直接进入微生物体内,用中断DNA复制的形式阻止微生物繁殖。 英国科学家已成功地将平均尺寸为10~50纳米的银颗料均匀地渗入所有的纺织品,这种新工艺所生产的产品已通过了AATCC检测,其抗菌作用已被实验所证明。 据悉,纳米银织物与其他抗菌织物不同,其明显优点,是它不会引起病原体产生抗体或发生突变。带正电荷的纳米银吸附在带负电荷的细胞壁上,使微生物…

Antibacterial mechanism of chitosan and its derivatives

Antibacterial mechanism of chitosan and its derivatives

关于壳聚糖及其衍生物的抗菌机理尚有诸多未明之处。根据现有的研究结果,壳聚糖及其衍生物之所以能够抑菌,主要是由于它们与细菌的细胞质膜发生了一定的反应,破坏了细菌正常的生理功能。尽管如此,壳聚糖及其衍生物在抗菌机理上还是存在一定的差异。 (1)The mechanism of antibacterial effect of chitosan: the catio…
